chapter thirty-eight - epilogue

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eight months later...

NEARLY A YEAR had passed before Soren was back to her usual self, or whatever she thought that was. Her and Derek had stayed together since that day in the hospital, and they had fallen more in love as the days passed by. They had also moved into a brand new home but kept the old one, as it was where all their memories were. Derek continued working with the BAU and renovating houses in his free time whilst Soren tried to find out a career path that suited her, but she had yet to discover it.

What also surprised Soren was the close friendships she had formed with the team, especially with Spencer Reid. He had opened to her a lot, and they had formed a close bond between each other. Sometimes, Soren would go out and watch Italian movies with him that were hours long whilst Derek was busy renovating which is why when Soren woke up with back pain, and sore breasts she felt confused on what was going on.

She entered the FBI building, avoiding everyone else as she headed straight to Spencer's desk, standing beside him with her hands on her hips. "Spence." She whispered, making him furrow his brows as he looked up at her.

Spencer looked around, "Derek is with Emily and Rossi now, do you want me to get him for you?"

"No, I want you to come with me." She told him, anxiously tapping her foot against the floor.

"Are you okay? You're pacing around and tapping your foot." Spencer asked her, standing up as he then followed her into the bathrooms, they walked into the women's bathroom, locking the door behind them as Soren paced. "Soren? Should I get Derek for you?"

"No." Soren shook her head. "I need you to go to the store for me and buy my a pregnancy test, like right now."

"A pregnancy test? Are you pregnant?" Spencer stuttered, his cheeks flushing a bright red.

"I don't know, that's why I need the test and you can't tell anyone, Spence, please." Soren asked him, turning to face him. "Can you do this for me?"

"Of course, are you coming with me?" Spencer asked her, fiddling with his hands.

"I'll wait in the car, let's go." Soren said, unlocking the door as they made a dash outside, rushing into his car as Spencer drove to the store that was ten minutes away from them.

He parked outside, getting out as he gave her a smile before heading inside. The entire wait felt like hours long until Spencer walked back outside with a bag in his hand, getting back inside the car, he handed her it as she pulled out the pregnancy test and chocolate along with a tub of ice cream. "S-Sorry, I wasn't sure on if you wanted some food too, so I decided that was the best option."

"Thank you." Soren smiled, as they drove back to the BAU.

When they arrived, they walked in discretely as Spencer helped Soren made her way towards the bathrooms, she stopped as her hand wrapped around the handle. "I'll be five minutes, if you hear someone crying, it's not me."

"Oh, okay." Spencer nodded with a tight lipped smile.

She walked inside the toilets, going into the stall as she took out one of the tests from the box, staring down at it before she decided too pee on the stick. Once she was done, she held it in her hands, watching as the timer continued going down.

Tapping her foot against the floor, she ran her hand through her hair until she looked back down and read what was written on the digital test. Her eyes widened as she smiled, looking down at it told her she was seven weeks pregnant.

Taking a moment to herself, she composed herself as she then walked out of the stall with it in her hand. Spencer turned back around, analyzing her reaction when his own eyes widened. "Congratulations, Soren!"

"Shush, but thank you." Soren grinned, "I can't wait to tell Der."

"When are you going to tell him?" Spencer asked curiously.

Soren shrugged, not knowing what she was going to do. "Tonight, he's been wanting to be a father for so long, and now he gets the chance to be one."

Spencer hugged her, as they walked out the room together, sitting in the café for the rest of the day until Derek showed up. Soren didn't say a word about being pregnant until she was making dinner at home for them both.

"Would you like some wine, baby?" Derek asked her, holding up the bottle of red wine.

Soren looked at him, knowing she couldn't get away with saying no considering she usually always had it with her meal. "Oh, no, thank you."

Derek paused, furrowing his eyebrows as he walked over to her. "Are you ill or something? You've been acting kind of strange all day."

Soren took a deep breath, walking out of the room leaving Derek even more confused until she walked back in with the test behind her back, "Close your eyes." She instructed him, he did what he was told and closed his eyes as she took a hold of his hands, placing the test in his hands. "Open your eyes."

Derek slowly opened his eyes, casting his eyes down as his jaw dropped. "You're pregnant?"

"Seven weeks." Soren nodded, showing off her grin.

He broke out into a grin too, wrapped his arms around her as he spun her around, both of them laughing and smiling with joy. "This is the best news ever, baby! I love you, so much."

Soren wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing him on the cheek. "I can't believe this, I mean, how crazy. Our own little baby."

Derek put her back down, kissing her passionately on the lips as he grinned. "Our own little baby."

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