chapter sixteen - watching

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author's note - I have decided to take Alex Blake out of the story, considering that she leaves soon anyway I didn't think there was any point. Also because I forgot about her. Whoops x 



ARLO HALE watched from a distance as his daughter, Soren Hale, spoke with the Agents. He was beyond furious, he thought that the beating he had given her was enough to scare her into staying quiet, but he had been wrong. Soren was tougher than he ever believed she was. He had trained her for her whole life, but he had never anticipated that something like this would happen, he didn't train her for being questioned by a group of talented Agents.

He hadn't felt as nervous as he had before, with the knowledge that Soren had she was able to burn his entire empire to the ground and that worried him more. Arlo had worked hard to build up the empire he had created, the connections that he had made and if Soren opened her mouth and told the agents what was going on, it would all be over for him.

 His right eye twitched as he looked through the binoculars at her, she was sitting in a room with another man, playing a game of chess when other agents walked into the room. Soren had always been good at chess, after all, she had been taught by him.

They looked to be in a serious conversation and soon enough one of the agents left leaving Soren with two of the male agents. He hadn't been watching for long, he knew what was coming next. They had already checked all his secret hideouts and now he was working on a plan 'B'. The new plan that he was creating was going to destroy them all.

He knew that it was only a matter of time until they caught up with him, but he wanted to go out with a bang. And that also meant dragging Soren down with him. 

He was going to make the FBI ever regret coming near him and his family, and he vowed to make them pay. Arlo was planning something - something big - and it involved the one person he knew he could blackmail.


It had been decided that Soren had had to stay with Agent David Rossi in his large mansion, mostly because he had the most protection there and he was the only one willing to bring her in. Something about the girl made Rossi stop and rethink everything and she intrigued him - she never threatened or scared him in any way. 

David Rossi had come face to face with the most sadistic serial killers of all time, but never had he ever been outsmarted by anyone before. He didn't like that idea, and decided that in order for him to keep a closer eye on the Hales, he needed to be near Soren at all times.

They were sitting in his kitchen, with Rossi preparing the pasta and sauce that he had chosen to make for the two of them. He noticed how Soren would observe his ever moves, as though she was preparing herself for him to draw his weapon out or attack her, which confirmed one thing for him. She was trained.

"So, did you try the pasta in Italy?" Rossi posed the question as he looked up from cutting the tomatoes.

Soren looked up, her brows furrowing for a moment before she nodded her head slowly. "Yes."

"You'll be able to compare it to mine, though I do believe it will be better. It's my Grandmothers recipe after all." Rossi tried to joke with her but she didn't crack a smile. He noticed how her eyes constantly shifted to the door and back to him, then back again. He dropped what he was doing and rested his palms on the work top. "Are you expecting someone? Because you keeps looking over at that door like someone is going to walk through any moment."

"I can feel him." 

He paused, his eyes dead set on her as she stared down at the worktops. "What?"

"He's here. I can feel him." Soren repeated as she looked up this time, her bright blue eyes seeming to darken as she spoke. 

Rossi stared at her, holding onto his gun closer as Soren glanced back at the door. "Who is here, Soren?"

"My father." Soren spoke out, "He's everywhere, and no matter how hard you all try to look for him, he will get away every single time. So you and your little squad of agents, better stop looking for him before he kills you all. And trust me, he will."

"You seem to have a lot of faith in your father getting away." Rossi commented as he focused his attention on her more, she remained calm and not at all affected by what was going on or the conversation they were having. 

Soren simply shrugged, "No faith. I just know my father extremely well." She stood up from the stool, walking around until she came face-to-face with Rossi, smirking to herself she spoke again. "It's all a game of chess, Agent Rossi. My father verses you agents. And, I'm going to have fun watching this."

"Drop the act, Soren." Rossi said to her, he felt slightly intimidated by Soren but he wasn't going to let her know that. "You hate your father, in fact, you seem almost scared by him because you know as well as I do the suffering that he can cause."

"No act here, David." She spat at him, knowing he had caught her out. "I'm just simply warning you."

"Warning me? Warning me for what?" He questioned her, raising his eyebrow to her.

Soren cocked her head to the side, "Chaos is coming."

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