chapter eighteen - home?

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SOREN WAS grabbing her belongings from her bedroom when she heard light footsteps behind her. She turned around quickly, coming face to face with Derek Morgan. He was standing behind her, carefully watching her expression as they made eye contact, they didn't say anything for a moment until Soren turned back around, the concussion she had been given caused her pain and she didn't want to speak to anyone at the moment.

"Soren." Derek called her name, gaining her attention as he spoke softly. "We need to get going, shall I grab some of your bags for you?"

She nodded, still not verbally speaking. Soren didn't know what to feel, every emotion that she had been keeping inside was brimming to the surface and Soren didn't know how to react to that. All she wanted was to do was run away from everything but she knew that wasn't possible anymore.

"Soren?" Derek repeated growing more concerned about her, he walked around the bed, standing opposite her when he noticed the tears in her eyes. Derek paused, his mouth opening wide as he stared at her, never had he ever witnessed her be on the verge of tears. "Hey. Hey. Hey. Are you okay?"

She sniffed, wiping her eyes as she took in a deep breath, looking anywhere but at Derek. "I'm fine."

"No. You're not, and you have every right to be, you were attacked in a place where we all told you it was going to be safe." Derek commented as he walked closer to her, they stood opposite one another, with the tears running down her cheeks as she glanced down at the floor, refusing to make eye contact. "Come here."

"What?" She asked, looking at Derek who had his arms opened for her to step into. He smiled softly at her and then she realized. Derek was trying to hug her.

"Come on." He encouraged her as she eventually stepped into his arms, at first Soren didn't know what to do, so she simply just wrapped her arms around him as he did the same thing, pressing his chin on the top of her head as she leaned her cheek on his chest.

The two stayed wrapped in each others arms for a moment, enjoying the peace until they heard someone clearing their throat from behind the two. The peace was then broken as Soren stepped out of Derek's arms, looking away from Emily who was smiling at her.

"Sorry to interrupt." Emily Prentiss apologized, looking between the pair with a glint in her eyes. "Hotch said it's time for us to go, you got everything you need, Soren?"

"Yeah, just need some help carrying it down." Soren replied, gesturing down to the bags on the floor. "Rossi let me go on a shopping spree when I first got here, so blame him for all of this."

Emily and Derek laughed, reveling in the connection that Soren and Rossi had made. Soren didn't even notice that she was forming friendships with the BAU team.

"No surprise, Rossi does love spending his money." Emily commented with a smirk as she grabbed some of the bags, "We best get going then."

"Thank you." Soren nodded as her and Derek grabbed some bags as well, making their way downstairs. After they had packed everything into Derek's black SUV, they said their goodbyes to the rest of the team before Derek began driving off. The journey to one of his homes that he had finished building that summer was where they were going to be staying for the next few months.

Soren didn't know what the team were going to do with her after they had captured and arrested her father, but she knew it wasn't going to be good. They would either lock her up and throw away the key or they were going to give her a new identity and never see her again.

Derek of course, had noticed once again that Soren had gotten more quiet, she often did that when something was weighing on her mind. He was more the type to stay quiet and take out his frustrations on the rest of his team and anyone else that he loved, so the two fit together well. It wasn't that they noticed that though.

He didn't want to push her and cause her to build up her walls again. So instead, he chose to turn up the music and continue his drive down to his home in the middle of the night as Soren eventually drifted off to sleep.

Once he had finally arrived, he pulled into the three bedroom home, opening and then closing the gate before he turned to face her. Derek tapped her arm, trying to wake her up from her slumber but she didn't wake up.

"Soren, we're here." Derek shook her again, she groaned, pushing him away from her. Derek chuckled to himself, noticing the slight drool down the side of her mouth. "Wake up, Soren."

After a few more attempts at waking her up, which failed, Derek changed his idea and decided to carry her inside. He stepped out of his seat, walking around to her side as he placed one of his hands under her legs and the other around her back to help lift her before he opened the front door and carried her upstairs to one of the bedrooms, placing her in the bed as he took off her shoes and closed the door behind him.

With Soren being fast asleep upstairs, he took the time to bring all the bags inside. With Derek finally putting everything in the home, he locked the door and took the time to go upstairs and get himself ready for bed.

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