chapter eight - airport

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PENELOPE patched herself through to Jennifer Jareau's phone, she had discovered new information about the Hale / Bianchi family. She had been digging through the family history, including the family tree and any property that they owned when she came across something that the team definitely needed to know about.

"Guys, I found something." Garcia announced, momentarily shocking them until they focused their attention onto what Penelope was about to say. "I found deep in the family routes that they own a small secret home to hideaway in Italy, Milan. It's in the middle of the woods and they also have a private plane they use to be able to get there."

"I bet that's where he is heading. Do you think his children would go with him?" Emily assumed.

Reid sighed, fiddling with his hands as he spoke. "If Arlo is able to manipulate the girls into thinking he hasn't done anything then they would go with him. We should check their work places to see if they left, along with their homes too."

"Okay, Reid and Morgan, head over to Soren's house and then to Sybil's. The rest of us will contact the airport to let them know and send out their images." Hotch declared, forming an idea into his head which he was performing.

"Got it." Derek nodded, leaving with Reid to head to Soren's house first.


"Soren Hale! This is the FBI, we need you to open the door!" Derek banged his fist against the door, his gun was raised as he kicked down the door after not receiving an answer from the woman. They swept the home, making sure that it was clean before they went through her belongings to see if there was any indication of where she was. Derek stepped into her bedroom, looking through her clothes and shoes when he noticed something. "She only has three pairs of shoes in here, kid."

"So?" Reid asked, a confused expression on his face. "Isn't that like...normal or something?"

Derek laughed at Reid's comment, unlike Derek, Reid wasn't into meeting new people or flirting with women so he had no idea what a woman's bedroom looked like. "Women do not have three pairs of shoes in their wardrobe, kid. Trust me, if they do, it's a raise for concern."

"How many women's bedroom have you been in?" Reid questioned.

Derek shrugged, a cocky expression plastered on his face. "You don't wanna know."

"Yeah...maybe I don't." Reid muttered, furrowing his eyebrows as they both came to the same conclusion. "She was definitely here though, all her clothes are messed up and some are on the floor, her keys are on the ground in front of the door so she probably left in a hurry."

"You're right." Derek agreed with him, his hands swept across the top of Soren's wardrobe but stopped when he felt something that was in a box at the back corner. "I found something."

"What is it?"

Derek opened up the box, revealing inside pictures of Soren Hale and her mother - Summer - they were smiling in the pictures and it was clear that the girl was only young in the picture when it was taken so she had kept it as a memory. Underneath the pictures was a small golden necklace, he slowly opened it and it was another picture but this time it was off the two sisters, they were hugging one another but even Derek and Reid could see that Soren was uncomfortable with the hug.

"Why would she keep all of this up there?" Derek asked out loud.

Reid took the box from Derek, inspecting it himself. He lightly tapped his finger against the top of the box and ripped off the wood that was covering it. "Look." He held out the small note that was hidden inside.

Dear my sweet girl,

I'm sorry to have to say goodbye to you like this but just know that I am always going to be with you. Our relationship hasn't been smooth sailing but I love you more than anything, please don't blame yourself for this. It's what is right for the family.

Ti amerò sempre nel mio cuore, tesoro.

- Mama.

"She got given a goodbye letter from her mom." Derek furrowed his eyebrows. They flipped over the note to see if there was anything else written but came empty. "I wonder if Sybil got one."

"I wouldn't doubt it." Spencer replied. "We should over there, bring this with us so that the team can see it."

After they had checked Sybil's home, they had found another letter that wasn't as hidden as the other one they had found. They brought the letters and the box back to the team, showing them what they had found as Garcia finished looking for the airport. So far, they had had no calls regarding anyone who looked or was a member of the Hale family being able spotted at the airport so they wondered if they had gotten it wrong.

However, JJ was quick to disagree and was almost certain that they would be heading to the airport considering that they had no where else to go. Hotch effectively agreed with JJ's conclusion and they got into the SUV's to head to the airport, the drive was half an hour long and they were on the edge of there seats by the time they had arrived.

"JJ and Reid take the south terminal! Derek, Rossi take the north, Emily and I will take the west terminal!" Hotch shouted out the instructions as he rushed into the airport, flashing his badge as he reached the west terminal where the private planes were set to be.

"Hotch, I got eyes on Arlo Hale!" Emily suddenly called out, pointing over to a man walking up the stairs of a plane. "No sign of the daughters yet though!"

Just then, Derek's voice could be heard through the microphone. "I found Sybil, she said that Soren didn't come here."

"Bring her in. We are going to try and get the plane to stop." Hotch ordered him. He tried his hardest to stop the plane from taking off but eventually had to take a step back when the plane started setting off.

Emily sighed with a small scoff as she watched it descend high up into the air. "We lost him."

"We still have Sybil, and potentially Soren. This isn't over yet."

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