chapter thirty - planning

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A WEEK LATER, after everyone was safely out of the hospital and recovering, Soren had called them all over to her and Derek's house to tell them all about her plan. She wasn't one hundred percent sure that they were all going to agree with it, considering how risky it was but she knew the right things to say to convince them. After all, Derek had also been helping her finalize the plan before telling the rest of the team.

Soren was busy in her bedroom, getting dressed as she showered and then dried her hair just as Derek knocked on her bedroom door. She opened it for him, letting him enter her bedroom as she sat back down at her desk, applying some of her skincare products.

Derek watched her, his eyes seeming to be trapped to her. "Why do you use all of that stuff?"

"Just because you only use water on your face, doesn't mean that would work for me." Soren looked back at him, grinning sarcastically as she applied the cream to her face. "Have you ever even put on a face mask?"

Derek shook his head, "Nope." When he saw the mischievous glint in her eyes he stood up, "Don't even think about it. I am not putting on a face mask."

"Afraid it will bruise your ego?" Soren mocked him. "Come on, why can't I just put one on you?"

Derek thought about it, staring at her puppy dog eyes as she tilted her head at him. "...Fine. But do not tell anyone about this."

"Of course not." Soren giggled, grabbing out her face mask as she gestured on where Derek was supposed to sit. He moved, sitting opposite her as she grabbed the grey clay mask out of her draw along with the brush she used to apply it as she placed her hand onto his chin, holding his head up as she put the first swipe onto his cheek.

Derek flinched, not expecting the cold on his face. "Damn. Why's it cold?"

"Who knows? I've been asking myself that for a long time." She shrugged, continuing to apply.

She ignored the feeling of the butterflies in her stomach as she felt Derek's eyes on her. He was paying attention to her every move as she avoided looking into his eyes. She felt her cheeks blush as she looked away for a moment, trying to get her cheeks to stop feeling so hot.

"Is it done?" Derek asked her quietly.

Soren glanced back up to him, her eyes widening slightly. "Yeah, just got to leave it on for twenty minutes whilst it dries, then you can wash it off. Your skin will feel so smooth after it."

Derek nodded, looking into the mirror at himself as he laughed. "I look crazy right now."

"Yes, you do." Soren chuckled, sneaking her phone out as she took a quick picture of him before he could stop her. "How long do we have until they come here?"

"An hour." Derek checked his watch. "You need to start getting ready."

"I know, I'm just nervous on how they are going to take the plan. It's not exactly a safe plan." Soren announced, running her hand through her dry hair.

"Listen," Derek got her attention, making her look directly at him. "This team is practically known for doing dangerous, stupid things. But, we always get through it because we work together as a team."

"I'm not apart of your team though." Soren shook her head.

Derek furrowed his eye brows. "Yes, you are. Sure, you may not help us catch serial killers but you are one of us. You've earned that right."

"Thank you, Der." She held onto his hand. "Now, let me get dressed in peace."

He held his hands up before heading out of the bedroom, Soren continued getting herself dressed as the time passed by, and soon enough, she went back down stairs to see Derek setting the drinks up along with his laptop and other documents they needed for when they arrived but she had forgotten that he still had the face mask on.

She decided to play with him, and act as though nothing was wrong as the door bell went off. "I'll get it." She told him, heading to the front door as Emily, Penelope and JJ stood outside.

They were both wearing casual clothes as they walked inside, handing over a bottle of wine. "You look beautiful, as always." Emily complimented her, as JJ and Penelope nodded in agreement.

"Thank you, you both look incredible." Soren hugged them, closing the door behind them as they stopped in their tracks, seeing Derek heading towards them. "Doesn't Derek look good too!"

Emily, Penelope and JJ seemed to get the hint as they covered up their smirks. They hugged Derek, who still seemed clueless as the door bell went off again, with Soren opening the door again for Hotch, Reid and Rossi. "Welcome."

"Thank you for having us." Hotch thanked her, entering next after hugging her as Spencer simply glanced at her with a small smile as Soren stared at him. "Just ignore him, Soren."

She nodded, still feeling disheartened. "I'll try."

"What on earth did you do to him?" Rossi whispered to her, looking at Derek.

Soren grinned at him. "Just playing a little game with him."

Rossi laughed at her, walking beside her as Derek spoke to the others. A few minutes later, Emily looked around, wondering what they were actually doing at Derek's home, especially on their day off. "So, there has to be a reason why you two invited us all here."

"There is." Derek nodded, before glancing at Reid who was staring at his face. "Something wrong, kid?"

Spencer went to say something but JJ nudged him. "Huh? No, no."

"Okay, then." Derek nodded, still not convinced. Especially when the others were continuing to stare at him too. "Okay, what is going on?"

JJ covered her mouth as she laughed. "Nothing at all."

"Soren." Derek glanced at her as she looked away. "Oh, you are kidding me." He put the pieces together, leaving the room as he headed to the bathroom, groaning as he quickly washed the face mask off his face. Soren followed behind him, leaning against the door frame as she watched him wipe his face with the towel.

"You missed a bit, right there." Soren pointed to his chin.

Derek glared at her. "You're not funny."

"Oh, that hurt." Soren complained, holding her hand to her chest. "Is someone's ego hurt because his friends caught him wearing a face mask?"

"No." Derek shook his head.

Rossi stood behind them, knocking on the door. "If you two love birds are ready, we would all love to know what is really going on."

"We'll be there in a second." Soren smiled at him, Rossi patted her on the shoulder as he walked back into the living room. She took a deep breath, with Derek now standing in front of her.

"You got this." Derek told her, trying to reassure her as she nodded.

They walked together into the living room where the others were all waiting, some of them sitting down as others remained standing. Soren and Derek moved to sit in front of them as she announced. "We have a plan."

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