chapter twenty-three - babysitting

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DEREK AND SOREN had been babysitting Catalina for the past hour after Sybil had dropped her off, leaving them with words of encouragement and a now crying baby wrapped in Derek's arms as Soren tried to grab the milk that she had been heating up, testing it on her wrist before hand.

"Soren, hurry up!" Derek yelled as he attempted to quieten Catalina down, no matter how much he tried to rock her she wouldn't stop crying. "Come on, baby, it's okay."

Soren rushed back into the room, the bottle of milk in her arms as she handed it over to Derek who quickly fed it to Catalina who had eventually stopped crying once she was being fed. They both sat down on the couch, leaning back as they breathed out a sigh of relief.

"I'm loving the silence." Soren announced quietly as she watched Derek feed Catalina, her brown eyes staring into Derek's. "You're better than I thought at this."

Derek glanced at her, his warm gaze meeting hers. "I had some pretty good role models growing up, I used to help my mom look after my younger sisters." He told her, reminiscing on his sisters back in Chicago. "My father was killed when I was young, so I always knew he wanted me too look after them."

"Your father would be proud of you, Der." Soren whispered, leaning over to rest her head against his shoulder. "He really would."

"I hope so." Derek sighed, "Have you ever thought about your future?"

"All the time." Soren confessed, it had never not been on her mind. "When I was younger I used to want children and a partner, someone to grow old with, especially after seeing the relationship my parents had. But when my mother passed away, I stopped believing in love and focused my attention on trying to prove that I was worthy of my fathers attention."

Derek took in her words, every time her childhood was brought it up it hurt because he knew to an extent what she had gone through but he knew he wouldn't ever hear the full story. "I'm sorry you went through that, no child deserves that."

"I don't think I ever was a child." Soren admitted, her brows furrowed into focus. "I mean, sure I was a child but I was never treated like one. My parents raised me to be independent, to be strong and never cry and whenever I did, I was criticized and judged by them. So I raised myself, Sybil did her best but...That wasn't enough."

Yet again, Derek listened to what she was saying but he also noticed the tear that was falling down her cheeks. He brought his thumb up to her cheek, wiping the tear away as she smiled softly at him, bringing her head into the crook of his neck.

"I appreciate you, Derek Morgan." She said, kissing his cheek as Derek blushed.

He didn't say anything else as the two simply watched Catalina sleep peacefully after she had been given her bottle. After some hours, they had gotten themselves ready for bed, with Catalina being picked up the next morning as Sybil and Tobias wanted the night to themselves. With Soren allowing Derek to get ready for bed first, she put Catalina into the cot beside her bed, leaving the light on as she watched her until Derek returned.

He stepped back into the room, only in his boxers as Soren's eyes widened, looking at his chest and back up to his face. Derek noticed and hid his smirk from her, taking her place on the bed as Soren left the room and headed into her bathroom, bringing her pajamas with her.

She stepped into the bathroom, washing her face and brushing her teeth as she got changed into her short pajamas. She put her clothes into the washing basket and headed back into her bedroom to see that Derek was nearly passed out on the bed.

"Der, wake up." She told him, lightly shaking his shoulder as Derek jumped up and rubbed his eyes.

"Sorry, Cat just tired me out all day." Derek apologized.

Soren thought of an idea on the spot which she wasn't even sure was going to work. "Do you want to spend the night in my bed? It would be easier if Catalina wakes up during the night you know? Just so that I don't have to look after-"

"Stop, you don't need to ask because I was going to offer anyways." Derek stopped her with a laugh, placing his hand on her arm as she sat down beside him, he moved sides so she could sleep beside Catalina as he turned the bedroom light off, joining her in the bed.

The two laid in silence for a moment, listening to the sound of Catalina sleeping until they turned over to face one another at the same time. Derek looked into her eyes for a moment as they stared at one another, until he reached his hand up and caressed her cheek, his thumb swiping over her features as Soren's breath hitched.

He brought his head closer to hers as Soren leaned in, their lips grazing against one another until Derek leaned in closer, their lips touching. Soren reached her own hand up, her palm cupping his cheek as Derek moved his hand so it was lightly wrapped around her neck, they continued to kiss as their lips touched one another, both of them as desperate for the other.

The kiss began to get more heated as Derek's tongue entered her mouth, the sounds of Soren's soft moans making him more turned on as he wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her against him so she was laid on top of him. Soren wrapped her legs around his waist, sitting up on him as she carefully brushed her arms down his chest as he moaned into her mouth.

"Don't stop." Derek grunted as he raised his hips, connecting with her as she moaned loudly.

All of a sudden, their moment was stopped as the sounds of Catalina crying broke them out of their trance and Soren quickly got off Derek to stop her cries. He groaned in frustration, sitting up as he grabbed the dummie he had been given to silence the baby when he noticed Soren's swollen lips.

"I'll put a pillow between us." Derek suddenly announced as Catalina fell back asleep, with her being put back into the cot. He had created a divider between them as Derek went over to his side, not saying a word to Soren who stared at him with a confused expression, watching as he ignored her.

"Oh, okay." She whispered, getting herself comfortable in bed as she wiped the tear that had fallen from her eyes, allowing sleep to take over and thankfully, Catalina had managed to sleep through the rest of the night.

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