chapter fifteen - chess

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SPENCER CONVINCED SOREN to play a game of chess with him. At first, Spencer had of course won until Soren came out of her shell more and started beating him, causing the genius to become even more competitive than usual. While they played the game of chess, Spencer asked her a few questions but mostly remained silent when he noticed how hard she was concentrating. 

Meanwhile, the rest of the team were discussing the next plans for Soren with their new section chief, Esai Morales. He had spoken with the director, and they were still figuring out what was going on, but they still needed to find Arlo Hale and the only person who could help them do that was Soren, but she was keeping something a secret.

Morales read through Soren's file that Garcia had made so far, she was still compiling it and was on a tight schedule. "This is madness, we can't seriously be considering letting her out."

JJ refused to look at Morales, they had a rocky history and didn't want to make anyone else feel suspicious about them. Derek rubbed the back of his neck, contemplating his next words. "She's intelligent, she could be a good asset to the team."

"Maybe she is, but we still don't know everything about her. For all we know this could just be one big scheme." Blake commented, each member of the team had a different perspective on the situation but ultimately it was up to the director to decide what was truly going to happen.

"Where is she now?" Morales questioned, looking up from the file. 

"In Rossi's office with Reid." Derek answered. 

Morales nodded, forming a plan in his head. "I'm going to call the director; I'll be back soon with an update on the situation."

Morales left the room and the team moved closer together into a circle; the team had grown closer over the past couples of years especially after everything that they had gone through together.  

Meanwhile, back in Rossi's office, Reid and Soren had finished their final round of the chess game with Soren winning again. They had created small talk but neither of them was up for talking too much, their personalities matched well together, and it was good that Hotch decided to put them together.

"Soren, could I ask you something?" Reid questioned a little hesitantly and when she nodded her, he continued. "What really happened to you?"

Soren avoided eye contact but took in a deep breath and replied. At this point, she had nothing to lose. "I tried to get away. I should have known that something was going to go wrong, everything seemed to be going right up until that moment. I was so close to getting away when someone grabbed me, next thing I know I'm waking up in the streets of Quantico, with cuts and bruises."

"You didn't come here by yourself?" Spencer continued to ask, he was showing genuine interest in what had happened, and Soren could tell that he cared, even if it was just the type of person he was.

She shook her head, tapping her finger against her thigh. "No. My father either got someone to beat me up or did it himself and knowing how pissed he gets when someone tries to leave, I would say he did it himself. Thankfully, he brought me back here and didn't leave me in Italy."

"I'm sorry, Soren." Reid apologized.

Soren chuckled light heartedly. "Don't apologize, it's not your fault. Spencer?"


"He's going to kill me." Soren whispered; Reid didn't get the chance to reply to her as the door opened and Hotch and another unfamiliar agent walked through the door. 

"Soren, this is Section Chief, Esai Morales." Hotch introduced them as the man waved at her. The man was short, with greying hair and a stern, strict like expression. His dark brown eyes stared at her as he tried to analyze her.

"How's everything going, Ms. Hale?" Morales asked her politely. He stepped further into the room. 

"As expected." Soren replied, she glanced to her right at Spencer who didn't catch onto the look, but Hotch did, he didn't realize how trusting Soren was becoming and it was going to work in their favor.  "What's going on?"

"I just got off the phone with the director, he wants to speak with you with Agent Hotchner present. The meeting will take place tomorrow at seven a.m." Morales explained to her. "For the night, you will be given accommodation by staying with another agent, we haven't chosen who yet."

"What you going to do, pick a name out of a hat?" Soren asked, suddenly becoming agitated. 

Morales laughed. "Good idea, thank you for that. We'll let you know in an hour." With that, he left the room without further discussion and left Soren in the room with Hotch and Reid, they were watching her as the clocks in her head were turning rapidly.

If Arlo was able to find out which Agent's home, she was staying at then he could easily get in and out without any detection and that worried her. All she wanted to do was be back home with Sybil like her life used to be before everything got messed up and Soren was a criminal. 

She hated the entire situation, but she wasn't good with showing her emotions to anyone as she always had to keep them locked away rather than showing anything else off. Reid observed Soren, noticing how she was zoned out in her own world, she got distracted easily and often zoned out after a conversation most likely to recall on what had just happened. 

She needed their trust, and they were willing to give her it. After all it was a case.

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