"There is no time..."

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Aylas POV

I open my eyes and rub my temples, the rays of sunlight coming from the window light up the room.

sitting up on my bed, I stretch my arms and yawn. I catch a glimpse of a card on my table and I quickly hop out of bed to check it. picking up the card, I grin, I love my parents for never forgetting my birthday. I know they're busy and usually can't be home at my birthdays but they never forget to leave a card for me.

Smiling I walk over and wear my sandals. My stomach growls and I frown. I hadn't eaten anything except for one small bowl of salad yesterday. If u guessed, then yes I was on a diet.

I walk over to the door and slowly swing it open. As soon as I take a step I bump into someone and looking up I find two figures towering over me.

I see my two men, wearing long black coats and black sunglasses, their heads covered by identical hats.
One of them reaches forward to grab me but i suddenly jump back.

Surprised, I take a step backwards and speak up. My voice comes out almost like a croak," woah woah woah.." I wave my hands, "who are you and what are you doing in my house?" I raise my eyebrows questioningly.

"There's no time young lady you have to come with us right now." The man on the right replies, passing a grim smile, which shows a gold teeth.

"whoa, wait what? I'm not going any where with you freaks." I say.

"She is not going to come so easily." He says to the other man,"Grab her!"

He starts bringing his hands towards me but I dodge. I try to run but I am grabbed by the man from behind. He squeezes my arm tightly and I cry in pain. I try to free myself from the grip of his hand but he's too strong for me.

They start dragging me down the flight of stairs and lead me outside the house.
I didn't know what was going on. Was this some kind of dream? Nightmare? Or was I imagining things?

I look around but see no one.
I wish someone would see me and come for help but there is no person in sight. "Let go of me!" I yell." You'll pay for this." I grit my teeth.

"We'll see about that." He smiles grimly.

I don't know what to do so I bite his hand so that he would release me. His grip loosens and seeing the opportunity, I run.

I run to the back of the house, finding a place to hide. There are some huge cartons in which I can hide. I jump into one of them and try not to move. I try to steady my heartbeat so that I would stop breathing heavily. There is silence everywhere.

For a while I keep silent, I don't hear any kind of noise.

I think the men must have gone so I get out of the cartons and that is when I make my biggest mistake.
I have fallen right into their trap. How can I be so foolish.

Both men rush out of the corner, carrying a rope with them. I try running away once again but I fail and I'm caught.
They tie my hands so that I don't try anything.

They throw me in the car. There are thousands of questions running through my mind. Who are these people? And what do they want from me? Where are they taking me? What will happen when my parents come home?

"Where are you taking me?" I ask.
"You'll soon find out." One of them answers.
I groan. My arm still hurts from where the man squeezed it. My heart beats faster and faster. All of this happened so surprisingly and quickly that I wasn't able to do anything.

What would happen when my parents come home and find out that I'm missing. Maybe they would never be able to find me again. All of this seems so unreal.

We drive for about ten minutes until we reach a small isolated town. There is no sign of humanity. Everything is totally destroyed. There are houses with broken windows and doors, markets with rotten fruit. Flies sticking like glue to the waste.
I can't believe that such a place could even exist.

We stop outside an old building which looks like that It would collapse any second. Its windows ate tinted and the walls have cracks in them, the paint all peeling off.

One of the men open the door to my side and I get out.I take in the surroundings . it was a deserted place, smelling like alcohol and rotten food.
I let the men guide me towards the building.
We stop outside an old rusty door, which looked like it was painted red years ago.
Without even ringing the bell, we go in ...


The inside of the building is filled with total darkness. We walk for a while and then move right. There is a room at the far end of the corridor. That is the room where I'm being taken.

I start panicking. What is that which waits for me at the other side?
There is silence everywhere, all I can hear is our footsteps.
I breath heavily. I hope I just don't get one of my panic attacks right now.

I am just a few centimeters away from the door, and I feel like my legs just got paralysed. I am suddenly unable to walk. . Someone pushes me forward and I enter the room.

i examine the room, grey tiles and dark walls, in the middle of the room are three people, and i quickly recognize two of them. A few feet away are standing ...

My parents.

hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter .. I know things went a little way too fast .. But that's how I planned it out.. Its a really long story, which is yet to be written :P

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