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//Josh Hutcherson as Jack, picture/gif on the top or side//

Jacks POV

We all booked our flights to Italy the next day. There was still something that was bugging me, something telling me this wasn't right, but what could I do? I couldn't just deny them, it was three against one.

I sighed as I put the last few things in my suitcase. I closed it and sat on my bed with my face buried in my hands, it was hard, very hard for me to just leave my mom alone.
In sat in silence for a few minutes, then stood up, and walked towards the door.
Just as I opened the knob, I saw Peter standing right outside, wearing a black T-shirt and a black beanie.
"What are you doing here?"I glared at him.

"Emily sent me, dinners ready."

"Whatever, I'll be there in a minute."
I said.
"Why are you in such a bad mood?" He asked, raising his eyebrows and leaning against the door frame.
"Not your problem" I murmmured under my breath and then glared at him.

"Okay,okay" he said defensively,taking a few steps back," I was just asking."and them he went back.
I closed the door, and locked it, I turned off the lights, I needed sometime alone.

I went over to my desk , my laptop was on and the light was illuminating the room
I leaned over and picked up the picture which was placed at the very back.

There I was, in the picture, twelve years old, standing beside my mom and my elder sister, Mia, a big smile on each of our faces. Then there was my dad, standing besides mom, wearing a brown leather jacket and smiling.
I didn't even notice the tear that dropped on the picture, this one picture held so many memories.

When I was thirteen, my dad died in a car accident, it was my birthday and he went out to buy a gift for me but he never came back, they said it was a car accident and the car fell in the lake. His body was never found.
After a year my sister, Mia, who was fifteen, ran away.we reported files, we did everything to find her but
we never found her. She was so miserable after my dads death, I wonder if she's still alive out there.
I folded the picture and put it in my pocket. Then I went back to bed and doze off to sleep.

Aylas POV

We were all sitting at the dinner table, eating the wonderful meal prepared by Jacks mom.
We told Emily and his mom, that we were going to leave, and we told them why they couldn't come.
They totally understood us and agreed.

Jack didn't come, I don't know why, but he's been stressed since I mentioned going to Italy.

Dinner passed by, we discussed what we would do once we reach Italy.
Our main thing was to find that person, but Peter insisted on exploring some of Italy. He said we needed a break, and he was right.

After dinner I went up to Jacks room and knocked a few times, but there was no answer, he must be asleep already.
So I went to my own room and changed into my night suite, then jumped into bed and doze off to sleep.
That night I had weird dreams, both good ones and bad ones.


I woke up to the alarm clock blaring on the table.
I was too exhausted and I didn't get much sleep last night.
I went to the bathroom, put on some fresh clothes, a pink fennel shirt with blue jeans.
I didn't exactly know how Italians were dressed, so u wore the first thing that came on my mind.
Then I washed my face, brushed my teeth, combed my hair and tied it into a bun.

I grabbed my suitcase and went out in the living room, sitting on the couch and turning on the television.

I heated a door open and I turned around to see Jack ready, wearing a Blue T-shirt.
He knocked on Peters door several times, the door opened revealing a
Sleepy Peter, he rubbed his eyes and yawned.

"What time is it?" He asked.
"8:30"Jack replied with a blank face," hurry up we'll get late, we need to go in an hour."

Peter turned and closed the door.

Christie came out after a few minutes.

We were sitting on the breakfast table, eating cereals and pancakes,
When Emily and Jacks mom came.
They gave the four of us hugs, and then joined us too.
Breakfast passed by in silence, until..

"Oh my god!" I screeched, just as a whole glass of milk fell on my clothes.
"PETER!" I yelled at him,"I just got dressed!"
"Oops,"he said," I'm soooo soory, I didn't mean to.."
But he couldn't complete his sentence because I dumped the my whole cereal bowl on his head.

"AYLA!"he exclaimed.
I smirked, and crossed my arms.
"You are so gonna pay for this." He murmured walking away to go and change.
I did the same.

After thirty minutes, we were all saying our goodbyes.
Jack was the last one and he hugged his mother for a Long time,
Tears spilled out of his moms eyes.
They said something to each other then Jack turned and started going towards the car.

I felt kinda bad.
This was not something i had expected, if you would've told me that this will happen, one month before, I would've laughed.

We all got inside and hit the road.
I sat behind with Jack while Peter and Christie sat in front.
"I'm do sorry jack.." I trailed off.

"Its OK, its for the best, I know it." His voice came out weak, like he would break into tears if he thought about the situation, so I stopped myself from saying anything.
The car ride was spent in silence, I looked outside the window,
Truth to be told, I'm a little happy we're in this condition, if all of this didn't happen, how in the world would I have meet such incredible people and such great friends.


We arrived at the airport after a 20 minute drive.
The airport was packed with people.
Tons of people moving here and their, each person busy in their own world, what they don't know is that so much is at stake now.

The only thing we're afraid of is that there may be Aarons people roaming around.

I look over Jack, who is leading the way, something feels strange but I can't tell what it is.

We arrive at the waiting area after getting our boarding passes.
After a little while, we got in the plane.
There were all kinds of people there. We were shown our seats and we settled in.

We got the four seats in the middle which meant me and Christie on one side while Peter and Jack on the other.

The plane flew at exactly 10:30, which was the flight time.
It was a 9 hour and 40minute flight.
Yeah, a very long flight.
So i spent my time watching some movies, i talked to some of the passengers and they seemed pretty nice.

Still, two hours we left and I started to get bored.
I looked over and saw the boys sleeping while Christie was wife awake.

"What ya doin Chriss?"yeah, I nicknamed her Chriss.
She took off her earphones and looked at me.
"Nothing." she shrugged.
"Wanna play a game?"
"What kinda game?"
"Let's give those boys a makeover."I grinned mischievously.
She got what i was saying and she started grinning too.

We took out the make up supplies, I worked on Peter while she worked on Jack.
The passengers were giving us weird looks but I didn't care.
I applied some mascara and eye-shadow, then some pink lipstick and pink blush.

All done,it was funny how these boys didn't even notice what we were doing. I looked over at Christie and she was also done.
After finishing I took out a permenant marker.
"Whats that for?" Christie raised her eyebrows.
"You'll see."

I opened the cap and wrote "I'M AN IDIOT" in bold letters, right on Peter's forehead.
Christie chuckled and did the sakr thing.

Soon we were both back in our seats, talking about girly things.
It was getting boring and Christie got tired so she suggested to sleep.
She slept in a minute, but I wasn't even a teeny bit sleepy.

I turned on another movie, this time I watched 'frozen'.
Hey, don't judge, I thought it was a great movie, I actually thought It was the best animated movie ever invented.

Halfway through the movie I felt my eye lids drop, and I slept.
I don't for how long but I was woken by some one shaking me continuously, and interrupting me from my dreams.

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