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I freeze. I am shocked. Can this really be true? oh, I don't want this to be true. I Start to run in the other direction but its too late the men see me. The smiles on there faces tell me that they have found what they were looking for. Me.

They chase after me. I am running, panicking. Breathing heavily. I don't want to be caught. If they catch me what will they do? Take me to my parents and ask the code and kill them?

I suddenly stop with this thought. My mom. I still have to find her. She's definitely somewhere around here. What if... What if she's already dead?
Should I find her?
Uhhh. This is making everything hard for me.

I turn back, surprised to see the men sanding inches away. Oh my gosh. I spent too much time thinking. What is wrong with me.
Just then I hear a loud bang. Pain rushes through my head and all I see is darkness.


I don't know what happened next, the last thing I saw was the two men standing right in front of me and then darkness everywhere. I thought I was dead, But I suppose im alive because I'm still breathing. My breathing is steady.

My eyes are closed. I dont dare open them. I don't know where I am. I dont know what's happenening with me. I don't know anything. I just know that my head aches. There is much pain in my body.

I just want to wake up and think that all of this was just another nightmare but I know that's not gonna happen. This time all of this is real and I can't do anything about it. I know what's going to happen next, atleast I think I know what gonna happen unless they have different plans for me.

I am feeling very dizzy. I feel like throwing up. I can't wait anymore. I open my eyes to see where I am. I am in a small room, with metal walls, ceiling and floor. Its like I'm trapped in a metal box. I am suffocating.

There is a door with metal rods in the corner. I move towards it and look outside. I see hundreds of rooms just like this. Is this a jail or something? I don't think so. If it isn't a jail then why are there hundreds of cages over here. Cages. That is the exact word for these rooms.

I try to open the door with my full strength but unfortunately its locked.
I try everything but its of no use. I go back and sit down. I lean against the wall, exhausted. I start crying. I don't know why but I start crying. I want someone to come here and save me.

I then hear footsteps. Footsteps coming nearer and nearer. I stand up and wipe my tears. Who ever is coming, is coming for me.
Just as expected the footsteps stop and the door opens. I stand still. I don't want to show anyone that I'm afraid.

A women stands at door. The way she looks at me is way too creepy.
"Come with me." She says trying to be polite.
"Why?" I sound rude.

"The master has told us to bring you to him."
"The master? Who's the master?"
"That's a lot of questions. I'm sorry but I'm not allowed to give you any type of answers. Now. Follow me."
She moves away and starts to walk. I a have no other choice than to follow her.

I look around as we walk. Trying to find any chance of escape.
"Dont try to do anything foolish. There's no way out." She says suddenly.
What? I think.
How did she know what I was thinking.
I dont reply. I guess she's right, there really isn't a way to escape.

She stops in front of a door and gestures me to go inside. I put my hand on the handle. I know what happens next. I sigh and open the door.

I walk in a room just like in my dream. Instead I only see a man standing. I look around, I I don't see my parents anywhere. Which means they may be safe. Maybe they were not able to catch my parents.

I breath a sigh of relief. At least I won't see my parents die.
The man who stands in the room is not at all like the man in my nightmare. This man is not like a scientist at all.

He wears a blue coat and a dark blue outfit. He has jet black hair. He also has a long scar on his face, stretching from his forehead to his chin. Maybe this is the person they call 'the master'. He may be the most ugly person I've ever seen.

"Hello, young lady." He smiles when he sees me." You must be wondering what you are doing here."
I don't reply. I don't even look at him. After a moment of silence, I look at him.
His smile fades and now he seems serious.
" I think today is your birthday, isn't it?" He says."well I've got a surprise for you."
I still don't reply.

"Max! show her" he points at a man sitting in a far away corner.
This is not going to be good.
The man called max brings another man with him. My father. What!
How did they get him. Maybe I was wrong maybe they have caught my parents. What the hell.

I run towards my dad I hug him, he hugs me back. He seems lifeless. His eyes are bloodshot, like he has seen the worst. I make him sit on the floor. Tears roll down my eyes when I look at him.
"Dad..." I say, hugging him again.
"Dad. Why didn't you tell me."
I cry.
"Ayla. I wanted you to be safe. I ..."
The rest of the words don't come out from him.

I know he's struggling. I don't know what to say. All I can do is cry.
We stay in silence.
"Dad? Did they get mom too?" I ask.
"Your mom..." He replies." Your mom is no longer in this world."

"WHAT!" I say my eyes widen with shock. My mom, she's dead. The only person I have now is dad and I don't think he can survive much longer.
I start to cry even more. I have never cried soo much in my entire life.
I want to be dead. I can't stand this anymore.

I had forgotten we were captured. Arms grab me from behind pulling me away from dad.
" No!" I scream. " let me go!" I kick my legs. There are of no use. I don't want to lose dad. He's the only one I have left.

The people start dragging me out of the room." You!" The man who is called 'the master' screams. He points at me." If u would want your dad back alive, then you'll have to tell me the code. I'll give you a day to think over it." And with that I am dragged out of the room...

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