The Escape!

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The next morning, I wake early in the morning. I check my watch, Its about 9:30 a.m.
I get dressed and wait for Emily.

Last night was amazing. I had slept through the whole night without having any type of nightmares or something.
I feel very hungry.
Just at that moment Emily comes in. Its exactly 10 a.m.
I motion her to sit on the chair in front of me.

She sits on the chair and says,
"So, do you have any plans?"
"I thought you already had a plan." I say, confused.
"Yes, I have a plan but its too risky."

"What is it?"
"There is a door at the far end of the corrider. That door is luckily the exit. We can escape from over there but..." She trails off.
"But?" I ask.
"But the key to that door is in Aarons office. If only we could get that key, we can escape easily."

"The plans perfect." I say," Even if its risky, we have to atleast try."

She nods, but then says," There's another problem. We have to get you out of this room. How?
Only the guard outside has the key to this room."
I smile and say,"Problem solved, leave this to me. I know what to do."

"There are some people I know who can help us."Emily says.
I nod, "Are you sure?" Can they be trusted?"

"Ok." She says," We will leave tonight, tomorrow is your execution, so we better be quick." I nod and she smiles.

She stands up.
"I have to go now or someone may get suspicious."
And with that she leaves.


I look at my watch, its 12:45 a.m.
Now is the time for my escape.
There are luckily no cameras in this room.
I got up from my bed and tiptoed to the door.

I see the guard sleeping. The keys are hanging by the wall.
Now is the time to do my trick.
I focus and try to make the key fly again just like the last time.

I clear my mind and only think of making the key float.
Float key, float. I think.
It takes much concentration when finally the key floats in mid air.

I breath a sign of relief.
Maybe this isn't so hard after all.
I bring the key towards me but suddenly the key hits the metal bars of the door and makes a loud noise.

I jump back, thinking the guard might have woken up.
After a few minutes of silence,
I take one step foward and look outside.
Whew, the guard didn't woke up.
I guess today is my lucky day.

I reach out and quickly grab the key.
I unlock the door and tiptoe my way to the exit.
Emily told me to meet over here at 1:30.
It is currently 1:25 a.m.
and Emily arrives at time.

"How did you get out?" She asks.
"Questions for later I don't think we have much time."
She nods her head in agreement.

"Soo..." I trail off, looking at the surroundings,"Where is Aarons office?"
"There." She points towards a door.

I walk quietly towards the door. I twist the door knob and to my releif the door is unlocked.
I look arond the room.
There are some computers on one side and a wooden desk on the other side.
"There!" Emily points at the desk,"That's where he keeps the keys."

I run to the desk and open the first drawer.
There are some papers and pens, no sign of the key.
I open the second drawer. There, sitting on the files is the key, which is marked, Exit.

I grab it. I turn to go back to Emily, when something catches my attention.
A file lies in the drawer marked, Experiment Failed/ Code.

This is what I wanted. This has all the answers I need.
The reason for my parents deaths.
I grab the file and run towards Emily.
"What's that?" She says, tilting her head, and pointing towards the file.

"I'll tell you later."I say," Let's.." I am interrupted by a loud noise of the alarm ringing.
We both freeze.
I shake my head and grab Emily's hand.
"Come on!" I yell and I run with her following me.
I unlock the door to the exit and push Emily outside.
I can already hear the loud footsteps coming closer.

I am about to go when some one grabs my arm tightly.
I move my head to see Aaron right behind me.
A shocked expression on his face.
My eyes widen, full of terror.

"where do you think you are going?" He smiles, an evil smile.
"Where I belong!" I yell at him and quickly punch his jaw with my other hand.
he jumps back and taking the opportunity I run outside locking the door from the outside.

I see a black Mercedesright in front of me, the back door open.
"Hop in." I hear a male voice.
I shake my head and take a step backwards, and my back hits the door behind me.
What if this is a trap?
I can't risk it.
I can already hear the people on the other side of the door, trying to break it.

"Its alright, you can trust us." This time I hear a girls voice, a calm and sweet voice. Something tells me that these people can be trusted.
I get inside and at that moment the door flies open.
Aaron steps outside looking furious. The boy, who looks about nineteen years old , wearing a black T-shirt and a matching cap, who sits in the front, drives the car at full speed.

It takes a little time when the car slows down to its normal speed. I guess that means we're safe.
"Hey! I'm Christie." a girl greets , taking out her hand.
I shake it and say "Ayla."
"Well nice to meet you Ayla." She smiles and I smile back. The girl is nice.
She sits besides Emily.

"And I'm Peter." The boy in the front says, being poliet.
I like these people.
"Hi Peter." I say.
"Hi" he replies.

Then there is silence.
"Sooo..." Emily says breaking the silence," we finally did it right Ayla."
"Yup." I sigh," I'm really tired."
"I guess you can rest for a while. This gonna be a long drive."
I nod and lean back in my seat, looking out of the window.
It has started raining.
I close my eyes trying to relax and then doze off to sleep.


Yayyy.. I updated. Sorrryyy its been a loonnnggg time.
Well I'll try to update sooner now. Anyways I'm hoping ur enjoying thiss.

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