"You okay there?"

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Christies POV

I jump up, panting, sweat pouring down my face.
I take in my surroundings
and breath a sigh of relief when I see that I'm still in the car.
Emily and Christie are in a deep sleep.

I pinch the bridge of my nose while closing my eyes.
I had one of those terrible nightmares I've been having since my father died.
I see images of my parents deaths.

I see my parents die in front of my own eyes.
I once even saw Emily's lifeless body lying on the ground.

"You okay there?" Peter asks, interrupting my thoughts.
"What?" I ask, I barely heard the words, probably because I had spaced out.
"I said, are you okay?"
"Yup" I say.

"What happened?" He asks.
"None of your business."
"Come onnn."
"Uhhh...It was just one of my nightmares, OK?" I sigh in defeat, some people can be annoying.
I hate to admit it to peole that I'm terrified of my nightmares.
It makes me feel weak.

"What's so wrong in telling that?"
"Nothing." I mumble.
I hear him sigh.
There's an awkward silence.

"So you and Christie are related somehow?" I ask changing the topic.
"Related?.. Of course... she's my little sis."
"Oh." Is what I can only say.
Wow, there siblings!?
I wish I had a an elder or younger sibling too.

"Don't you have a brother or a sister?" He asks, as if reading my thoughts.
"Why?"I chuckle,"I would give anything to have a sibling."
"Trust me, you don't want siblings." his says, probably joking.

"How long have you been driving?"I ask, out of nowhere.
"Half an hour, I guess." He shrugs.
"And we still didn't find a place to live?"
"Naa."he sighs, clearly frustrated, and tired I guess.
How can someone not get tired after such a hectic night.

"Hey, I'll drive, you should probably rest." I tell him.
"What? ... No!" He says surprised," You'll probably smash my car somewhere out there."

"No I will not!" I protest,"I'm very experienced in driving."
I put my arms across my chest.
"Still No."
"Oh come onnn, you'll find this car in one piece,don't worry, I promise" I plead.
"Uhh, why are you so annoying."

"Why are you-" I interrupt my sentence and shout,
" Eyes on the road, you're gonna hit that pole!"
He quickly turns the car, and goes back on the road and he stops the car.
Thank god, I saw that in time or god knows what could've happened.

"See, I told you you're tired." I say,"Its my turn to drive, now get out!"
"Okay, okay!" He sighs in defeat and puts his hands up in surrender.
I laugh.
"Don't worry, I always get what I want."I say, while sitting in the driving seat.

"Okay, I'm gonna start driving." I tell myself.
I know its crazy, but I'm really used to talking to myself.
I look at the back and see Peter already sleeping.
I smile at the three sleepy heads at the back and then get back to driving.


I looked around for a couple of minutes, when I finally found a decent apartment for all of us to stay.

Emily had gotten up after a sometime and Peter woke up as soon as we reached, while Christie was sleeping so we left her in the car.
God, I wonder how much she sleeps.

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