The Second Day

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I am in my room. There is absolute silence everywhere. Outside my room, they kept a guard so that I don't try to do anything.

I sigh, sitting on my bed. If only there was a way to escape and save my fathers life.
My throat aches from all that screaming. This was my first day. What would happen to me now?
My dads probably alive and he would be even more tortured if I dont tell the code.

What would my mom say if she was here? Of course she would have told me not to tell the code.
My dad wants the same thing.
Why is this code so important that it has to be a secret? What is this code for?
What can it do?

The answer I have come up to is that telling the code would mean bad, very bad things for everyone.

One question is continually roaming around in my mind.
Should I tell it or not?
Ahhh. All of this is sooo difficult.

The guard brings food and I eat it. It is not that amazing like I got in the morning, but I'm thankful for what I've got. At least these people give me some food.

I suddenly feel very dizzy.
Its like the world is spinning around.
I lie on my bed and close my eyes so that I may feel better, but I don't.
My head starts to ache and then suddenly I'm sleeping.


Im standing in my room, and it feels like I'm waiting for someone. The door opens and the women, named Emily comes in. Oh, I just hate that woman.
She comes in the room and sits on my bed. She tells me to sit with her but I don't.
I keep standing over there, staring at her.

"What are you doing over here?" I say.
"I'll explain."she says."look..."
"I don't want to hear anything, can you just leave me alone." I interrupt.
"You have to listen."
"I won't!"
"Ayla. I'm not who you think I am." That was enough to keep me listening to her."You may not know but you are special. You are not an ordinary person, I can see that in you."
" What? What do you mean? I am completely ordinary."I snap.
"You are amongst the Ten!" She says, a little loudly.

After that I don't see or feel anything. I am just falling into darkness, and I let the darkness take over me.



My head has hit something hard. I open my eyes and see the guard standing just next to my bed.
I suddenly sit up, not knowing what just happened. It does feel like someone hit me because my head aches.

I rub my head.
I just got another of those nightmares. I don't know what to call it, a nightmare or a dream? I'll call it a nightmare.
"Come." He says.
He pushes me out and takes me to another room.

This room is different.
There's a chair on which I sit.
I don't bother to look for anyone around.
I try to thing about the nightmare I had. What did Emily mean?
What did she mean that I was special, I was amongst the ten?
Who are the ten?
And why were they special?

"Today is going to be an exciting day." Aaron says, interrupting my thoughts. He gives an evil smile. When did he come in the room?

Across the room again I see my dad pinned by nails against a wall. My dad is in an even worse condition. It looks like the life has been drained out of him. He cannot live much longer.

When he looks at me he smiles, like he's proud of me. I smile back and then look at Aaron.
I see a dagger in Aarons hands and I gasp. I put my hands on my mouth.
Aaron's going to kill my dad with a dagger? Is he serious?
Does this man even have a heart?

I am unable to do anything as Aaron goes near my dad with the dagger.
"Will you tell me the code?" He asks.
The code. I cant tell him but i cant let him kill my dad with a dagger.
My brains tells me not to tell but my hearts tells me to tell the code.
I do what my brain tells me.
"No!" I say.

"Well then.."Aaron says, smiling, putting the dagger on my fathers cheek and then dragging it down. A pool of blood starts flowing out. I scream,
"Stop it!"
"U will still not tell me the code?" He says.

I dont say anything. I dont know what to say. He puts the dagger on my dads hand and jabs it inside. He does the same with the other hand. My dad is yelling in pain, And I'm sitting there watching him with eyes wide, full of shock and terror.

He takes the dagger to my dads throat. I can't stand this anymore, I just cant.
"The code is my name!" I yell," The code is my name!"
Aaron stops. He doesn't moves.
Then he laughs,
"I knew you would tell me."

I turn my head in disgust. Why did I tell him!?
"Spell the code!"he says
"A.Y.L.A" I reply, looking at him again.
"Thank you very much ayla." He says, a wicked smile forming on his lips,
"Now I'll let you live for now but as for your father... You should better say goodbye."

He turns towards my dad gets ready. "NO!" I scream, My eyes full of tears and terror. "YOU PROMISED!"
And with that, he plunges the dagger deep into my fathers heart. I can't believe my eyes. He groans and his eyes instantly turn white,
And he's ... dead.


Doneee ...
I'll be updating quickly from now onwards...
Hope you guys liked this chapter... Do leave a comment and I'd love to get some ideas for the next chapter.

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