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Aylas POV

"Guys, you need to see this."

"What?"Christie asks from besides me and Jack comes to sit with us.
"Peter!" I yell.
"Coming." He replies, and then I hear footsteps running down the stairs.
He jumps in and joins us at the couch.

Here we were at Jacks house, sitting on the couch, doing breakfast.

For the past few days, we seemed to have totally forgotten about the situation we are stuck in.
As soon as we met Jack, he invited us to his house, as we didn't have a place to stay.
His mom was extremely shocked to see three teenagers and a women come to her house, but after Jack explained her everything, she welcomed us in.

Over the past few days, Jack and I have become friends, he told me a lot about himself.
His father had died when he was young and his mother knew about his legacy.

Unlike Christie and Peter's parents, his mom believed him.
His mom was a sweet, forty year old women, with brown hair and blue eyes. She must have been a very beautiful lady when she was young.
Her name was Rebecca and
She and Emily got along with each other, they were always chatting together, as if they were old friends.

I yawned, because of the little sleep I was having for the past few days.
There were bags under my eyes and my hair was messed up.
I was in no mood to get ready, so I decided to do breakfast before taking a bath.

I was going through the newspapers, checking if there was some strange news which might help us to find the others.
And there, I found one.
"A eighteen year old kid saves an old man from a car accident.
According to this, it is said that people saw a kid flying out of nowhere and saving an old man from a car accident.
They asked him who he was and where he was from but he told nothing and ran away.
It is said that he looked about eighteen years old, and the police are trying to locate him but so far there has been no success."
I read it out loud.
"He or she could be one of us."

Christie and Peter nodded, they were wearing identical blue t-shirts toady and it looked cute, siblings.
I looked over to Jack, who was wearing a white shirt, with his hair combed neatly, just like the first time we met. Instead of agreeing with me he shook his head.
"I don't know"he started,"If he was like us, why would he even risk revealing his cover?"

"Maybe he wanted to do something good, and he couldn't stand it, that's why he had to save that man"Christie says.

"I don't know.." He said again," what if its a trap that Aaron set up?"

"Trap?"Peter joins the conversation,"I don't think Aaron is that smart."
I nodded," me too."

He sighs in defeat," okay, whatever you guys say, but dont say I didn't warn ya guys, I have a strange feeling about this."

Jack stood up, picking up his plates, while I thought about it.
"We have to go." I said," But there's a teensy weensy problem."
They all started at me.

"What?" They said at the same time.
"Rebecca and Emily can't go with us."
"Why?" They all said together again, and then looked at each other, then looked at me.

"Because they are not like us, they would be in Aaron's control sooner or later, and it would hard to leave them while we're in the middle if the journey."

Both brother and sister looked down on the floor, while Jack was speechless.
I know what Jack was thinking, how could he leave his mother.

Peter and Christie stood up and murmured an 'okay' before picking up there plates and going to the kitchen where Rebecca and Emily were, leaving me alone with Jack.
Great, now how am I going to handle this situation.

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