"On the count of three!"

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Ayla's POV

"Aaron!"I hiss.
"Well, well, well." He claps his hands, giving me his signature smile,"It has been a long time hasn't it, Ayla?"

"And who's this friend of yours over here? One of you?" He asks motioning towards Jack,"You just made everything a lot more easier for-"
Before he could even finish the sentence, I jump at him, he seems surprised my sudden attack,  and i tackle him to the ground.
"Where are they?"I growl at him, holding his wrists so firmly, above his head that he would dare make a move. As soon as I had seen him, I knew he was the one who captured Peter and Christie.

He struggles for minute, then stops, knowing that its of no use.
"Answer my question!"I say again.
I can already see people gathering around us, trying to see whats going on, but I don't care, all I want is my friends back.
"You really think I would tell you that?" He laughs.
"Then maybe we'll have to do this the hard way."
I get off  him, and tell him to stand up, when he doesn't, I kick him.

I manage get him on his feet and them I take the gun from Jack, that was hidden, incase we needed it.
I point the gun at his head,"At the count of three, if you don't tell me right now, you're gonna be dead."

His face just shows a blank expression, as if he doesn't care.
There's silence.
Still no movement.

Why isn't he doing anything? Now I'm getting the feeling that this is exactly how he wanted it to be. Of course he would have brought his people with him. This was a foolish act, but what's done is done.

But before I can even fire the gun, I hear a loud bang from behind me,
And a sharp pain hits me. The world starts to spin, and I collapse to the ground.
"Ayla!" Jack yells and I can sense him coming towards me, but all I can really feel is the pain in my leg.
I'm in much pain to function, and I lie there, not knowing how we're gonna get away this time.
I look at the blood pouring out of my wound, who knows if I even get out of this alive this time.

"How dare you!" Jack growls, and storms towards Aaron.
In the matter of time, I try to get up, but pain shoots in my leg and i end up leaning against the tree.
My breathing is fast, really fast.
I feel like I'm going to end up any second.

From where I'm sitting, Aaron is a few centimeters away, and I can see Jack holding Aaron up by his shirt, the fury is evident in Jacks eyes.

At times like these I wonder.

Does he really care about me?
Was there anyone left who would care, about me.
I know Peter and Christie would maybe do the same, but Jack?
I only met him a few days earlier.

"Put me down," Aaron says,"If you don't, you'll end up with your little friend right there."
"As if I would what you say!" Jack yells,"I've heard a lot about you're but you're even worse than they say."

Just then I hear loud gunshots, and I close my eyes, I can't see Jack injured, I just can't.
I can hear people scream.
This is it, one more bullet and I'm going to die.
I wait for the pain to hit me and the darkness to swallow me for good.

But when I fell nothing, I open my eyes I find a little girl, with blond hair, who is barely even 14, crouching besides me, and shaking me," We have to go, Now!"
Her face is a total mess, and i can see the blood on her arm.

"I can't.. I can't..  Walk." The words are barely a whisper , but she hears them and nods. I can see all the commotion behind her. People screaming and running away, hopefully they won't get injured.
Aarons men, wearing protective armors, shooting bullets left and right.
Then I see Jack and another boy, back against back, shooting bullets at Aarons men.
Its a miracle no bullets have been shot at me up till now.

When I look at my side I can see the girl, tying up a cloth around my leg, I groan.
"Its gonna hurt for a while, but can you manage walking a little, with me?"
I just nod, and she takes my arm and throws it around her shoulders.
"We have to run!"she yells over the sound of the gunshots, and I nod, not knowing how I'm going to do this, but that I have to do this.


In a matter of minutes we're running towards an alley, not exactly running but half limping half running.
I don't even know how this girl was able to keep my weight on her for so long.
"Right there!" she motions towards a door, and I feel a sense of relief.
So far no one trued to follow us, so we were probably safe.
We get inside, and lock the door.
I lean against the door, breathing heavily and sit on the ground.
"They should come in a matter of time."

The girl comes forward and examines the wound on my leg, then thinks for a while before rushing inside a room.

Minutes later she comes back, much cleaner than before, warring a blue T-shirt and pajamas. Her hair is tied in a pony tail and her should is wrapped in a neat white cloth.
In her hand is a first aid kit.
She sits besides my leg which is sprawled, and them starts working on it.
I feel pain shoot through my body, but I don't complain.

I just wish Jack makes it back here, safely.
And then I feel darkness come over me.

Hey fellas, so I officially changed the books name to "Destiny".
Its a nice name and goes with the story too right?
Anyways. Hope you liked the chapter, I updated it specially for you @AlafBelle
I'm so glad you liked my book.

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