"You guys should've left me..."

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//Picture of Cassie as Mackenzie Foy on the side or top//

Aylas POV

"Is she okay?"
"For the hundredth time yes, she is okay, she's just in a coma"

Coma? Who's in a Coma? Who's talking about who? What's going on? Where am I ? These were the first things that came up in my mind as soon as I heard some familiar voices.

I open my eyes, but only get a glimpse of a door before my eyes close by themselves and I suddenly feel the pain torturing my mind.
My body feels limp, drained of energy.
It feels as if I'm put in a bed considering how comfy my surroundings feel.
I open my eyes once again and let then blink a few times before taking in my surroundings.

The first thing that pops into my mind is the word 'nothing'.
I see absolutely nothing except for the grey wall.. Who looks like it was painted ages ago. There's this one old wooden door in the middle covered in scratches .. I guess there's nothing else to see here.

I catch a glimpse of two pairs of shoes which are visible from beneath the door. I don't try to close my eyes as the door knob Twista and it creaks open, revealing two figures, one tall and one short.
"But When will she wake.." Jack stops in between his sentence when he turns to look where I am.

I smile weakly as soon as Jacks eyes meet mine. Then I look at the little stranger who saved my life that day, and pass her another smile. My lips feel cracked and dry and my mouth hurts from smiling.

Both of them rush towards where i am lying, they have to kneel so that they could keep eye contact with me.
"Thank God!" He breaths a sigh of relief and runs a his hand through his messy hair.
"I told you she was okay." The girl rolls her eyes as she examined me.

Ignoring her jack said,"I was worried sick Ayla, after you were shot, I thought you were gone, I panicked. I'm sorry I couldn't protect you, I'm a fool, I shouldn't have let you go there in the first place when i knew something was wrong..." He started to ramble.
"Its okay Jack, it wasn't your fault, stop blaming yourself for everything." Was what i wanted to say but the only words that came out were "Okay... Jack... Stop" the words had been barely audible but jack understood and silenced himself.

Well, I hadn't asked for complete silence. It was a pretty awkward silence if you ask me, so I decided to break it.
"Water..." I croaked out, I sounded terrible, my mouth was dry and it hurt when I tried to talk.

"Oh, right"Jack snapped his fingers,
"I'll be right back." And with that he rushed out leaving me with the stranger. Another minute or two was once again passed in silence while I stared at the ceiling and the girl stared at me.
I could feel her eyes on me, she didn't even try to look away when i looked at her.
It was getting pretty weird.

"My name's Cassandra Robert Stones." she broke the silence quite suddenly.
I was going to speak up but she cit me off.
"I know you are Ayla Kentra Stilinski, well i guess its nice to meet you, we already know a lot about you."

I nodded and turned my head, looking at the old door, desperately waiting for Jack to come back.
What was with this girl speaking everyone's full names, it creeped me out, and how come everyone already knows who I am before even meeting me.


"Feel Better?" Jack raised an eyebrow.
"Mm hmm" I nodded.
After drinking about 5 glasses of water, my throat finally felt a lot more better, and my body felt energetic again.

I was currently half lying and half sitting on the bed while Jack sat besides me for support.
Cassandra had pulled out a chair and was now sitting in front of me.
"You guys should've left me" I murmured, playing with the ends of the sheet.

Jack was about to say something when he was cut off by another voice, "Hey don't say it like that, friends stick together right?"
A tall figure was leaning against the door frame grinning down at me.
I raised an eyebrow asking who he was.

He stood up straight and walked towards us.
"Oh yeah, we haven't actually met, I'm Eden." He speaks up when he reaches me, pulling out a hand for me to shake.
"Ayla." I speak back, still confused not knowing who he actually is. I look at Jack for an explanation.

"We both uh, actually kinda, saved you guys." He scratches the back if his neck.
Ooohh, now I get it.

"Who said we were friends?" Jack snaps at him, bringing out the topic from nowhere.
"Uh well, I thought after what just happened and what all of us are stuck into, we would also be counted as friends I guess" He shrugs and looks away awkwardly,
"I'm sorry if u guys..."

"Thank you so much Eden." I say, cutting him off.
"What?" Both boys say at the same time, turning their heads to look at me.

"Thank you for saving us back there." I continued," And yes after what you did, I'm definitely sure that we are friends, aren't we jack?"
I look over at Jack warning him not to be rude.
"Whatever." he mumbles and I have to resist the urge to roll my eyes at him.

"Well its no biggie." Eden beamed at me,"And I'm so glad we could be friends." He passes a heart warming smile.

"I'm glad to." I smile but I look down, refusing to meet his gaze, I really don't know why.

"Cm'on Cassie let's get some pillows and blankets, its almost night."
With that Cassandra stands up and walks away with Eden leading the way.

As soon as I think they are gone, I turn towards Jack.
"What was that all about?" I snap at him.
"What do you mean, what was that all about? I mean we don't even know these people and you are calling them friends? Are you okay?" He replies harshly.

"I don't know what the hell has gotten into you Jack!" I almost screamed at him, he could be so frustrating sometimes," since we came to Italy you have been acting so weird and irritating, I don't know why you can't be happy for once and accept the fact that this is how were gonna live now! And that's that!"

"Ayla ... I'm -I'm sorry I over reacted."
"Jack just leave me alone." I close my eyes running my temples.
"Just leave me alone for some time!"
And with that he stormed out .. Leaving me their.
I hadn't even felt the tears pouring out. I couldn't believe one of my best friends could do this me.
And that's why i cried and u cried for a long time..
I didn't stop crying till I suddenly heard a loud scream, bringing me to my senses.

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