The First Day

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Aylas POV

The people had taken me to the same room as before. The walls, the ceilings, everything was black, and that blackness gave me the creeps.

I was given sometime to think over what the man said. He told me to tell him the code but I promised my mom that I wouldn't tell anyone. I don't want to break my promise but I also donot want to lose my father. He's my last and only support.

All this thinking is driving me crazy. My head aches and I want to rest. There's a bed in the corner of the room. I lay on the bed, thinking hard about the situation I'm stuck in.

After the people left me in the room no one bothered coming to check on me. They probably thought I am too weak to escape. They are right. I don't have the energy to do anything. Darkness starts covering the room. I guess that it must be almost night time by now.

I let the darkness fill the room, not bothering to turn on the lights. I feel sleepy and I shut my eyes.


I am awaken by the loud knocks on the door. I wake up more tired than yesterday. I didn't sleep well last night. I kept having weird nightmares which didn't make sense.

I sit on my bed and then force myself to stand and then I walk towards the door. As the door is not like an actual door, its more like long bars. Anyone can see inside. There a guard outside. He pushes a tray of food from below and says," Eat it quickly the master wants to see you soon."

I obey and take the tray to my bed. The food looks terribly delicious. I didn't expect this kind of food from them. Theres a hot French toast followed by a fresh apple juice and a banana.

My stomach is starving. My mind tells me not to eat it as it may be poisonous, but I don't care, I'm very hungry. I gobble up the food and luckily I think there was no poison in that.

After I have eaten, the same women as yesterday enters the room. She has a weird smile on her face that tells me everything is not going to be fine. She tells me to come with her and I follow.

Just like yesterday she takes me to the same room. There is a chair on which she makes me sit. To my surprise she starts tying me with the chair with a rope.
"What are you doing!" I say, trying to free my arms.
"Following orders." She replies.

Uhhh. What is the problem with this woman?
I don't say anything. I let her tie me with the chair. There's nothing I can do.

Last night I had thought that I would tell the code so that me and my father would be safe.
There is no light in the room.

Its been a while since I'm here tied to a chair. I can't wait any longer.

I am about to say something when the room is lit up by soo many lights. I see the man. His scar gleaming in the light. He looks even more uglier. The look of his face tells me that he hasn't planned anything nice for me.

I donot look at him. I move my gaze to one of the walls of the room. I gasp! If my hands would not have been tied I would've killed the man with my bare hands.

My dad is hooked up on the wall with nails. Blood coming out from his hands. His face is facing the ground. His hair in the most worst condition. When he looks up at me, I move my head away, not able to see his face. My eyes are filled with tears but I don't let them come out.

Unable to control myself I look at my dad. His eyes are bloody red, Dark circles under his eyes and a look of terror on his face. Where is that sweet and happy dad of mine, who always had smile on his face? Who had never been sad. Who had always been positive. I don't think I'm going to get my that dad ever again.

"Ahem!" The master clears his throat. I stare at him with hatred filling my eyes.
" What have you done to him!?"
I scream," Are you insane!?"
This is the first time I've screamed so loud.

"I would like to start by introducing myself..." He says, completely ignoring what I just said," My name is Aaron, and I am also known as the master."
" I believe you are Ayla and this is you father." He continues.

He waits for me to answer but I don't say anything. When he figures out I am not going to answer he starts talking again.
"I gave you a day to think that if you wanted to tell me the code or not. I believe that you may have made the right decision."

I nod and just then I hear my dad say,"Don't tell him Ayla. No matter what. It is too dangerous."
I look at him and his eyes plead not to tell the code, and just then I change my mind. I am not going to tell the code, even if it means risking my life. I feels too important.

"Well? are you going to tell me the code or not?"Aaron says, there is frustration in his voice.
"No!" I say.
" I said NO!"

"U really want to see your father die dont you?"He gives a wicked smile. I swallow the lump in my throat. I didn't remember he would kill my dad. Then he moves. He starts to move towards my dad.

" funny." He laughs." I think I already am near him."
" Stop!" I beg," please..."

" you tell me the code or you'll have to see your father tortured to death." He holds a bottle of acid in his hand.
"I'll give u three chances." He says picking the acid above my dads right shoulder.

"Tell me."
"No." I say. pain rushes through me as I see one third of the acid fall onto my fathers shoulder. He screams in pain. His shoulder starts bleeding.
I move my head away. I don't have the strength to see my father being tortured.

"Tell me."
"I said NO!"
Now another portion of the acid falls on the other shoulder of my father. I hear the screams again.
Tears make my vision blurr.
I am staring at the ground.

"This is the last time." Aaron says." TELL ME!" He is furious.
I gather all my courage.
I cant see my dad being tortured but if I don't tell the code at least I'll make my parents happy. This is the most terrible decision I've ever made.

"Ayla..."my dad groans," donot tell him."
I look at him and smile, My face full of tears and anger, and I nod.
"No!" I say in a whisper.
"I will NOT tell you the code, no matter what!" I say it a little louder this time.

I smile, seeing the shocked face of Aaron. He cannot defeat me. He stares at me angrily.
I know he's going to kill my dad once in for all.
I dont want my dad to die. I'd sacrifice my own life for dad, but I have no other choice.
To my surprise, Aaron calls one of his men.
"Max. Take him to his cell!" He sounds defeated.

This is going to be bad. What has he planned for us now?
"And you Emily. Take this filthy girl to her cell too. I'll meet her tommorow, and this time I'll make sure that she tells me the code."
Emily nods and signals the guards to take me to my cell.

Bad.I think. This is going to be bad.

Whewww ... At last I've written it.

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