The Special Ten!

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Ayla's POV

The apartment was seriously nice.

It had two bedrooms, a small kitchen, and a lounge containing two nice comfy sofas and a television.
We decided that me and Emily will take one room while Christie and Peter will take one.

I enter my room, which has white painted walls and two beds. I take the bed with the window on the side.
I look outside, cars and traffic below and the sun shines.

I don't really know how to thank these people, if they were not with me then I would have probably been roaming around the streets with no where to live or maybe I would have been executed as Aaron had planned.

I sigh and at that moment, Christie comes in and sits behind me.
There is silence between us.
I can hear the car horns, even from this much distance.

"I didn't freak you out today right?" She asks, looking at me.
I meet her gaze and let out a chuckle," why would I freak out? Everyone has nightmares, including me, and I understand how painful it is." I say, sadly, thinking about my nightmares.

She notices the change in my tone and says," its just that.." She trails off.
She sighs,"Ayla, can we be friends?

I give her a confused and surprised look,"Of course, I thought we were already friends. And by the way
I would really want a best friend in this condition." I say, motioning towards myself.

The corners of her mouth goes upwards and forms a smile.
"So best friends?" She asks, taking out her hand so I could shake it.
Instead of shaking her hand, I pull her into a hug.
"Best friends." I smile.

Emily comes in ruining the perfect moment, I had not been happy since the day I was captured, and this made me happy, having a friend is all you need.
"Uhmm, we need to discuss somethings so how about in the lounge?"
"Yea sure." I reply.

We head out of the room and sit on one of the sofas while Emily ad Peter sit on the other one.

"This is serious, got it?, We cannot live here for much longer. We need to find the others as we know that Aaron has the code and this is not OK."Emily tells.
I feel guilty, again, cause I know its all my fault.
"I'm sorry, this is all my fault."I say, looking down at the floor, trying to hide my guilty expression.

"Its OK, you had no other choice, I understand Ayla, now stop blaming yourself.
What happened is in the past and it was not good, now we have to try to make everything OK again so that the future is good."Emily says, making me feel a little better. A little better, not much better," Whats about that file by the way, you still haven't told me about it."

Oh, I absolutely forgot that.
Thinking about the file gives me some hope.
It can help us.
"I forgot it in the car." I reply, sheepishly.
Emily breaths a frustrated sigh.
"Peter, go bring it."

He hesitates to bring the file,
" I'm tired!"he complains.
After a few minutes of convincing, he finally agrees and brings the file.
I told them that this may give us a hint of what Aaron was trying to do.
Emily looked through the file and then said,"This is not good."
A worried expression fills everyone's face.
"What is it?"Christie asks.

"There are some invisible rays that are activated by a certain machine, that machine can only be turned on by entering that code.
Those rays would enter the human mind and the brain of the human would then be in control of the person who activates it."She says, her face emotionless.

"So that means Aaron will now control the human minds and take over the world, just like it happens in movies?"Christie asks.

"That's not it, Aaron does not want to take over the world, remember Ayla when Aaron said that he was given his orders?...
He is certainly being manipulated by some one, which I guess can certainly not be human, according to these files."

"Wow! That is too much!" Peter says, sounding more surprised than anyone of us,"This kind of thing happens only in stories. This cannot be real."
"I guess it is real." I say.

"I'm going to make something, its 2:00 p.m., wanna help Christie?" He asks, completely forgetting about what what we were taking about,"we can discuss later, yeah?"
"I guess so"I say and we all look at Emily for an answer.
She just shrugs.

Christie and Peter decide to makle a pizza, while Emily went into our room.
I lean back and turn on the sofa and turn on the T.V.
Great, I think as soon as the screen on the T.V. turns on, no cable.

I jump up from the couch and head over towards where Christie is rolling the dough, while Peter sets the oven temperature.

"What's up?" She asks, not looking up, she just keeps rolling the dough.
"No cable ." I simply reply.
"Wanna talk about what happened in the car?"
She suddenly stops rolling dough and looks up at me with a blank face.

"I'm sorry its okay if you dont-"she cuts me off by putting a hand on my mouth.
"I want to tell you, and now that we are besties you need to know. There's something I want to ask you too."

I simply nod and she motions me to go in her room.
"Peter, would you make the rest of the pizza yourself? I wanna talk to Ayla." She pleads with puppy dog eyes.
I'm sure no one can refuse her after she gives that look.
"Okay, little sis" he says and both of us go in her room...

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