꧁The Introduction to the Show꧂

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{Name} wakes up to see a grey-themed room. The sun is grey, nature outside is grey, and everything is grey except her.

She turned around to see a floating triangle, it looked like a pyramid. It had one eye, a black bowtie accompanied by a black top hat and it held a golden cane.

It held out a free hand for her to shake.

She stared at it for a couple of seconds before grabbing it, and so, they both shook hands, admitting a blue flame.

Her eyes rolled back and they fainted.

『⑅ 』

{Name} inhaled sharply before shooting up from their bed, looking around to see if everything was normal. "A-ah...it's just another one of those dreams..." They shrugged and looked at their journal on their bedstand, grabbing it along with their favourite pen.

Day 18 of Strange Dreams,

Today was strange, unlike every day. Those dreams are occurring once more, henceforth, I will be drawing what I saw.

A triangular figure was hovering somewhere around my room, my decisions are impulsive, I understand. I shook the unknown entity's hand, resulting in a blue flame appearing and me fainting in my dreams.

I also saw flashes of this cycle with various symbols, one of which caught my eye.

It was a Moon Crescent, representing mystery, life and death, and change. It looked exactly like my signature hairclip and pen.

Can I be a part of this cycle?

She described what the entity looked like as she sketched the same one in the journal, plus the wheel and the symbols.

Once it was completed, she looked at her alarm clock.

"WHAT!? I slept through it!? No, I'm gonna be late for work!" They threw themselves up and dashed out of the room.

"Oh wait, I forgot to change..." their voice rang from outside their bedroom door.

She hopped off her skateboard and grabbed it before entering the Mystery Shack, or...well, Mystery Hack since the 'S' keeps falling off.

[^Collecter's theme as yours for this part before you read :). Just note that I don't own these videos]

She bursts into the room. "I'm sorry! I'm late!" She made her majestic entrance. "Whatcha doin'? Did I miss anything?"

"{Name}, you're finally here!" Soos and Wendy yelled in unison.

"You're right on time! Mr Stan and Mr Ford's niece and nephew are returning somewhere this time!" Soos/Mr Mystery explained. "They'll be staying here now!"

They both rushed over to her slightly shorter figure.

They let out a low chuckle until they realised. "Uhh...May I ask; Their what?" They looked to the side, confused about what was going on. From formal to child-like curiousness.

「𝐅!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐁𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐂𝐢𝐩𝐡𝐞𝐫」[DISCONTINUED!]Where stories live. Discover now