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A/N: This is not furry-related, because I dislike them. Are you a furry reading this? Sorry

"And...why are you collecting animal DNA?" Dipper asked while carrying a box of DNA.

You were about to answer until Mable interrupted.

"Ohhh~Tiny tubes with blood in them!" She exclaimed, going through the box she was once holding.

"No! Don't touch those!" You yelled before diving down to catch the box Mabel dropped. "Oops! Sorry, {Name}!" Mabel apologised, staring at you just lying there while clutching the chest.

"It's fine," You forgave Mabel. "As long as nobody starts messing with the DNA samples. We should be fine..!" You pat the box.

You kept the boxes in a cupboard and locked them. You were keeping them away from anyone's reach except for you because you had the key.

"Alright, now that's out of the way, let's create more experiments..!" You declared as you ran out of your hideout with the twins following.

"I still wanna know how you got those blood samples!" Mabel yelled.

When you three entered the Mystery [S]hack, everything was normal--minus Gompers eating the curtains.

Wendy was at the cash register, reading a book instead of a magazine. Soos was showing off his kid to the customers and tourists with Melody standing in the corner, giggling. Add those together, and you were the only one who was going to do nothing but be the introverted experimenter you are.

『⑅ 』

"Generators..? No, that's too risky..." You mumbled as you wrote something on the whiteboard.

Dipper walks in before jumping at what you are doing. "Ahh! {Name}!? How much have you written!?" He yelped.

You looked back at the board to see different alternatives, equations, and science graphs filling the board, corner to corner.

"...A little?" You awkwardly smiled, shrugging.

Dipper slaps his forehead. "You got carried away, didn't you?" He asked.

"Yes, I did..." You mumbled, looking to the side. "But I have a reasonable argument!" You stated.

"And what's that?" He crossed his arms, raising his eyebrows.

"Well, the reason why I have those animal DNA samples, is that I'm making a curse that transforms the victim into their spirit animal." You explained.

You took a small DNA as an example. "I'm using this tube of a dog blood sample..!" You began. "If someone has a smart, energetic personality, they'll turn into a dog!"

"Fascinating!" Dipper almost whispered. "But what are you using to put together the curse?" He asked.

"That's..." You trailed off, "The problem." You ended before putting away the DNA sample in your pocket.

"I haven't figured out how to create the curse yet." You explained, twirling the marker between your fingers.

"Would generators work?-" Dipper asked.

「𝐅!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐁𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐂𝐢𝐩𝐡𝐞𝐫」[DISCONTINUED!]Where stories live. Discover now