Level 1

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A/N: Based on a dream I had...I fricking died in it. Also, you know cringy Y/Ns...but have you ever heard of ✨Neoridivergent {Name}✨? Back to the chapter--

"Alright..." You positioned your camera to Mabel and Dipper. "Move a bit closer..!" You used your hand to signal them.

They scooched in like you instructed as they posed for a picture.

"And...WOAH!" You felt your leg get pulled before you almost fell. "What the heck!?"

"{Name}, what's wrong? What happened?" Mabel asked, concerned.

You looked down to see that your shoe was missing. "It took my shoe, but not me..."

Dipper stepped in and bent down to get a closer look. He hummed and threw a stick into the invisible portal.

"I'm sure there's a type of wormhole down there..!" He stated as he backed away.

You and Mabel hummed. "Should we tell anyone about this?" Mabel asked, pointing to where the portal leads.

"No, we'd likely get kidnapped by the government. Trust me..! I was abducted a while ago. If you say to yourself  'Oh, the government won't kill us!' Oh, yes they will. And they almost succeeded..!" You explained your experience before grabbing a piece of rope.

Lowering the rope in, the portal doesn't seem to react to it. After tugging it a few times

You yanked back the rope and tied it to a stick before lowering it back in. Nothing.

"Alright. One of you guys will volunteer to lower yourselves into this portal..!" You commanded. "Who knows where it could lead to?"

『⑅ 』

"I can't believe you're using me to be lowered into a portal!" You grumbled loud enough for them to hear.

Just then, when you entered the portal, the rope (along with the twins) was sucked into the doorway at the speed of light.

"Arghhh..." You groaned groggily as you slowly got up from the floor.

"Hey, Dipper? Mabel?" Your worn-out E/C irises darted through the lobby-like room in search of your friends.

Your flashlight and camera were lying beside you. It seemed as if they were unharmed.

You picked them up and shined the flashlight into the dark spot and started to go your way. You also started the film for the camera to show the twins your journey.

You whispered to yourself, "They couldn't have wandered far...And finding a way out would be absurd!"

An unknown, inky entity peered around the corner with its dull eyes. It blinked owlishly and creepily followed behind you.

『⑅ 』

"This place resembles a maze..! It's fascinating!" Dipper peers around a corner. He was holding the same camera as you.

"Okay! I get it! This place is crazy, bonkers and creepy! Let's get out of here!" Mabel shook his shoulder.

「𝐅!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐁𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐂𝐢𝐩𝐡𝐞𝐫」[DISCONTINUED!]Where stories live. Discover now