Happy Late Interdimensional Birthday!

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A/N: My Bday special. Of course {Name} has to share the same birthday as me, that's how the fanfiction world works, folks. A short bonus chapter from me to you :)

You woke up from your slumber and checked the time. To find out that your alarm was completely silent.

"Ah, 7:00. Yet, my alarm hasn't gone off this time..!" You reached out and seized the digital object.

Two robotic hands you built into the clock started patting your head. "Congratulations! You've reached 18 years of age!" Confetti shot out of it, and it landed in your hair.

You grumbled. "Yeah, thanks..." You pressed the 'off' button and set it down.

You stretched your arms and yawned. "That was the best 8-hour sleep I've had in the year..!"

"Why is my alarm clock on birthday mode..?" You paused. "Meh!" You plopped back down on your bed.

You were dozing away until you heard a smack on your window. "Huh..? What the..?" You sluggishly got up and trotted to your window.

You ripped open the curtains, but alas, no one's face was there to greet you.

Sighing, you got dressed for the day and went into the living room. Weird, usually Bill was there to greet you. He's possibly in another dimension doing...whatever a Dream Demon does.

"Arghh...I need at least 7 cups of coffee this morning..." You grumbled and went into the kitchen.

You came running to the cupboard a second later. "You know what, I'll just brew some Butterfly Pea Tea..!"

[^Get used to this, people]

When you arrived at the shack, there was no one there. Strange, were you the only one awake?

You walked into the gift shop. Not a single soul. But they should arrive by now..!

Just then. When you turned on the lights, there was a burst.


"What the..." You murmured and grimaced.

"To add context: We searched through your belongings and found your wallet..." Dipper explained, wearing a party hat.

Mabel swung her arm over your shoulder. "So? What do you think..?"

Your breath hitches as you felt your cheeks burn. "I...don't know what to say..! Although the unpredictability of Mabel is terrifying, I'm grateful!"

"Success!" She squealed. "Now go eat your cake and enjoy the awkward silence!"

"I think it's extra, but I have another idea..!" You chuckled.

『⑅ 』

"Frog Land or The Raven House?" You asked while picking the shows.

"FROG LAND! FRONG LAND! FROG LAND!" They chanted while pumping their fists.

You giggled and picked the show. "If you say so..!"

You fell onto the couch. "This is great! Binge-watching Walt Files and Netfilms with my gang is the best!" You sighed in satisfaction.

「𝐅!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐁𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐂𝐢𝐩𝐡𝐞𝐫」[DISCONTINUED!]Where stories live. Discover now