Petrified {Name}

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A/N: I started this story when I was eleven, get used to the cringe

It was the afternoon, and a new season of mystery shows was airing soon today.

You stayed in bed as you sipped more of your favourite drink. "Alright, stomach. Hold up until I finish another Murder Mystery series..!" You pat your stomach and sink into the pillows, watching the said show until the news pops up.

"...oh, what the hell..?" You groaned, glaring at the television.

"Reports of a mysterious creature lurking around Gravity Falls! People who've witnessed the entity described it to have a human top, but a reptilian bottom half!" The reporter explained.

"Human top and a reptilian bottom..?" You mumbled before pulling your journal out. "I'm sure I recorded this before..!"

Your eyes flickered through the pages until they landed on a specific one. "Yes! Medusa! I never knew she can multiply..."

You laid back down. "I'd rather wait until something weirder happens..." You said to yourself.


"{NAMEEE}!!!" A familiar voice yelled across your home.

"Oh no..." You murmured.

『⑅ 』

Mabel came inside your apartment in a panic, Dipper following behind with a slightly panicked expression, keyword; Slightly.

"Don't tell me you lost another one of your glitter collections...Because it's not my problem..!" You coldly warned.

"It's even worse!" Mabel yowled, waving her arms in the air, and then placing her hands on her head.

With the same panicked expression, Dipper came forward to speak. "There was a humanoid creature in our backyard..! When a deer passed by, it immediately turned to stone..! But then it slithered away..." He explained.

"Yep, I was right..!" You flipped through your journal and switched your original lamp into a black light, placing your book under it.

"This is Medusa..! I never knew she could multiply, but that's not good..!" You recorded;  She can multiply, in possibly wooded or secluded areas in the journal.

"The only known thing that can defeat Medusa is loud noises or..." You sighed. "I think...there's something I need to reveal..."

"So...what you're saying is that...You kept this journal away from us because you didn't trust us..?" Dipper asked in a heartbroken tone. "{Name}, we're your friends..! We trust you, so it would be fair if you returned the favour..."

Mabel nods with her arms crossed, glaring at you. How childish.

"Look, I'm sorry. I was just looking out for the universe we live in because if these journals are put together, it will unleash knowledge more powerful than anything..!" You explained with sorrow.

You flipped the pages to reveal the 'new' Cipher Wheel. "I've been having reoccurring dreams of this wheel, so I decided it was best to record it..!"

Dipper's eyes scanned through the page. "I'm the Pine Tree, Mabel's the Shooting Star, who's the Crescent and others?"

「𝐅!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐁𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐂𝐢𝐩𝐡𝐞𝐫」[DISCONTINUED!]Where stories live. Discover now