Book Worm Maze

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Bill had been gone for a day to get something that was not normal. Or in the ordinary. That was expected from this God of Weirdness.

You grabbed a pair of headphones and put on [Insert Favourite Song Artist].

You felt like something or someone was watching you so you lifted a part of your headphones but heard nothing.

You shrugged and placed the part back onto your ear and laid down.

Some time goes by and you hear a knock. You took off your headphones and placed them down, along with your phone.

You went up to the door and opened it to be greeted with a surprise hug.


"Mabel..! You're...suffocating me..!" You choked out.

"Wait, what?" She questioned before squeezing you tighter.

"Mabel!" Dipper called from behind the girl.

"Oh! Sorry!" Mabel apologised before letting go of you. "I'm just so excited!"

"I...I can tell..!" You panted, leaning on the door frame.

You opened the door all the way to let the twins in. "Yay!!" Mabel exclaimed before running inside.

"Whoo! I thought I saw another dimension there..!" You said to yourself.

"What dorky {Name} secrets are here~?" She playfully cooed.

You slightly lift your jacket to see if your journal #2 is still there.

You sighed in relief. "Hey! Is that your roommate's bedroom?" That relief disappeared quickly when you heard Mabel say that.

"No, Mabel! Don't go in there!" You yelled with a panicked tone.

She didn't listen and opened the door. But luckily, the door was locked.

"Huh! You're roommate's smart to lock his door!" Mabel commented.

"I like him for a reason, okay?" You got off the door frame and closed the door behind you.

Dipper looked around before finding a few books on your couch. "No way!"

Your head turned to the now enthusiastic boy.

"You have the whole Weirdness Above Me by Ash Beacon collection?! (This is made up)" He exclaimed.

"Well. Of course! I love weird stuff!" You simpered.

"Hey. Can I read these?" Dipper asked.

"Sure, go ahead..! I've already read them like---over ten times..!" You shrugged.

"Does Gravity Falls even have these?" He muttered before crashing down onto the couch.

"Hey! I know! Let's go to the library!" Mabel exclaimed.

"After that arcade incident. I'm never stepping foot outside again..!" You huffed.

"And so, I just sat down..!" Dipper backed you up.

You gave Mabel the 'You see? You see what's going on?' face.

"Fine..." She sighed. "Guess I have to use force..!" She muttered under her breath.

「𝐅!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐁𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐂𝐢𝐩𝐡𝐞𝐫」[DISCONTINUED!]Where stories live. Discover now