Down the Soul Stairs

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"Hey! {Name}! Wake up!" Mabel's voice shattered your ears as your head shot up.

"H-huh? What?" You said, confused and dazed.

"I and bro-bro found a potion that'll make you experience the out-of-body experience!" Mabel sputtered in an excited tone.

You took the small elixir from her and observed it. It was glittery-purple, had some pigment, and seemed fresh since it wasn't dark purple.

"Mabel, did you get this from my journal?" You asked.

"May or may not have~" She casually shrugged with closed eyes.

You hummed, shaking the potion slightly. "We need to test this out on a natural person..! The last time I tested this on an animal didn't go quite as planned..!" You explained.

"Let's try it on bro-bro!" Mabel exclaimed as she dragged you out of bed.

 『⑅ 』

"Okay, Dipper. When you drink this elixir here, you'll feel alive, but at the same time, dead..!" You explained to the boy.

He looked at you, Mabel, and the said liquid before chugging it down.

Nothing happened at first until Dipper fell head-first into the ground. "DIPPER!" You and Mabel screamed.

Suddenly, Dipper's ghost came up in front. "Wha-what!?" He panicked.

"How does it feel?" Mabel asked carefreely, clutching the bottle.

"Weird, light...pretty empty..." Dipper mumbled loud enough for you two to hear.

"Wait..." You realised something before you grabbed your journal to double-check. "Mabel! Did you even read the warnings!?"

"What do you mean?" Mabel inquired as she and Dipper peeked over your shoulder.

"You had to drink half of the liquid!" You exclaimed.

"What's gonna happen now!?" Mabel panicked.

"The only option is to find the Soul Stairs..!" You muttered.

"What're the Soul Stairs?" Mabel asked, tilting her head slightly.

You sighed, having to explain once again. "Soul Stairs are spiral stairs in a special abandoned place. When you go down them, you'll see different rooms beside you with people's souls who tried this spell. These stairs go on for infinity, so make sure you don't get carried away..!"

"Adventure time!" Mabel screamed before running out while you and Dipper watched awkwardly.

You pressed a button and the walls slowly moved away from one another, creating a door. "This the room to the staircase. We must look out for Grim Reapers since they guard the doors to recent souls..! If they find the victim's wandering spirit, they'll feed on their remaining energy..!" You warned darkly.

You went down first while Mabel and spirit Dipper followed, hesitating slightly.

You used your lantern to scan the area for Reapers. "Cost is clear, for now..!" You narrowed your eyes at the darkness.

"Then let's keep going. I don't wanna stay as a spirit forever..!" Dipper rushed.

You went down the spiral staircase. There were doors with numbers and names.

「𝐅!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐁𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐂𝐢𝐩𝐡𝐞𝐫」[DISCONTINUED!]Where stories live. Discover now