Arcade Anarchy

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Both you and Dipper were resting in the Mystery Shack. It was the afternoon and you both had a very busy day.

You were reading a mystery novel while Dipper was reading a magazine. The silence in the room was interrupted when there was a loud slam, jump-scaring the book out of your hands and scaring the soul out of Dipper.

"Guys! A new arcade opened down the block! It's called 'Moon Shot'! Can you guys please come!? Please, please, PLEASE!" Mabel begged.

"Uhm...I gotta finish this magazine!" Dipper lied as he puts his face into the magazine.

"Awe...What about you, {Name}?" Mabel looked at you with hopeful eyes.

You blinked twice. "I..."

Mabel gave you the puppy-dog eyes, but you resisted.

"I'm gonna go steal some gold from someone!" You dashed away like a deer, slamming the door behind you.

"Did Grunkle Stan possess her?" Dipper raised an eyebrow, and Mabel shrugged in response.

Mabel finally persuaded you and Dipper to tag along with her to this arcade once she bet that she could win the so-called "fun games" that are there.

"OOO~! SO PRETTY!!!" She gawked at the bright flashing lights in the arcade.

"Eh, I've seen more impressive things..!" You shrugged and Dipper nodded.

While Mabel admires the place with her brother following her behind, you stopped to observe something. A claw machine, it looks...old? It looked like it was over 10 years old.

You snuck away from the others and to the said machine. "Woah..." You mumbled under your breath.

"Hey? {Name}, what are you looking at?" Dipper asked after sneaking away from Mabel. He stopped when he saw the machine.

"It's old, I know, but I have the impulsive urge to play it..!" You grinned like a child getting a present.

"I like that of you!" Dipper pointed the finger at your childish state. "Let's see if it works! I'm going to get Mabel to get some tokens!" He explained before jogging away.

You watched him leave before turning your attention to the claw machine.

Suddenly, the lights went out, and you were there all alone. "Dipper? Mabel?" You panicked.

You stepped back, trying to observe what was around you when the lights turned on suddenly and the twins were by your side, trying to wake you up.

"Oh good, you're okay..!" Mabel sighs in relief.

"Okay, what just happened..?" You asked, putting a hand on your head.

"Well, when bro-bro left to fetch me and get tokens, which he did. We came back to see that you fainted..!" She explains.

"Ah...strange..!" You rubbed the back of your head.

"Anyways, let's play!!!" Mabel screamed.

"Wait! Let's just think about it for a second!" You interrupted. "Like, why would I pass out after you guys left? Isn't that strange? Think about it!"

"Well, we won't know until we try it out!" Dipper reasoned.

"Alright then..." You sighed in defeat. 'Cipher, I'm counting on you to save me if something goes wrong..!'

「𝐅!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐁𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐂𝐢𝐩𝐡𝐞𝐫」[DISCONTINUED!]Where stories live. Discover now