Time's Ticking

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A/N: Also, the date is set in 2021, the date I came up with this story. I didn't choose 2022 bc it's been a dark year. Anyways, Happy Late New Year!

Ahh, Summerween, the day we can go out with our hair messed up like we just woke up, and people think it's an amazing monster cosplay!

It's fun. Not for you, tho. It's the day when you take the most time to create inventions. You go out to collect the necessary items, and people think you're going out to a party. But now that the twins are here, you must drop the habit.

You were writing a page for the Wendigos. Your head was inches from the paper, you were using your arm as the rest, and your leg bounced from the stress.

That was until you heard a knock on the door, making you cringe. You decided to ignore it for now and continued writing.

"HEY, {NAME}!!!" The voice of Mabel came from your window, along with banging. "CAN YOU HEAR ME!?" You chuckled to yourself and opened the curtains.

"HI! {NAME}! I'M CALLING YOU THROUGH THE GLASS! RIGHT HERE!" Mabel continued to call while banging on the glass. You lived in an apartment with outside stairs that led to the rooms instead of entering the building to get to the desired room.

You walked out of your room to answer the door. "Did you hear me calling-" You cut her off. "Yes, yes I did,"

"Anyways, Dipper and I are preparing for Summerween!" She started. "We were thinking of adding you!"

You chuckled awkwardly. "Are you sure? I'm usually not that into Summerween! Plus, I have to be back home by 8:30 pm..!"

"Yeah, sure! But we're doing our favourite Greek Gods!" Mabel showed her costume of Hades, the King of the Dead. She also gave you the area info you guys were going to meet.

"So...what's your choice..?" She asked nervously.

"Guess I'll go with Poseidon!" You smiled.

"Whatcha got there, Klutzy?" Bill popped from behind as you felt like you were about to get a heart attack. "Woah, calm down! You're not 102 yet!"

"I'm trying to think of necessary items to create a costume for Summerween, but I'm not good with clothes!" You sputtered, gripping your head and sinking into your seat.

He thought for a moment before an idea popped into his head. A grin spread across his face, and he clicked his fingers.

Your H/L and H/C hair had a fish hairclip to replace the crescent one, a black, F/C gown and other necessary decorations. "Woah! You can do that!?" You exclaimed.

"Oh, don't mind me, I just happen to be a professional eavesdropper," he snickered. "I mean, who needs privacy when you have a nosy little assistant like me constantly lurking around?!" Bill laughed.

"I'm not surprised at this point..." You sighed. "I'm loving the trident tho..! Not sure if it's real or fake tho..." You admitted, holding the weapon.

"I'm glad to hear that! Safe dreaming!" He smiled, clicking his fingers again, making you appear at the designated area you needed to wait for the twins.

"...Safe dreaming..?" You murmured. "I'm not even asleep..!"

"...{NAMEEEE}!!!!" Mabel's voice screamed before tackling you to the ground.

「𝐅!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐁𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐂𝐢𝐩𝐡𝐞𝐫」[DISCONTINUED!]Where stories live. Discover now