Summer Sickness

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A/N: So yeah, I've officially come up with the perfect title for this story, so ye 'Gravity Rise'

Anyways, back to the story

You sneezed as you walked out of the Mystery [S]hack, rubbing your nose with your free hand while the other held a flashlight.

"{Name}, are you okay? You're usually not this snotty..!" Mabel questioned.

"I'm fine...Just ignore me..!" You said before you let out a snort. "I want to capture a moment of a lifetime! Hippogriffs are very rare..!" You almost whined.

Dipper and Mabel rolled their eyes at your carelessness, knowing that something terrible was going to happen to you because of it.

"Okay. But if you get hurt, don't come crawling at our doorsteps..!" Dipper warned.

You scoffed. "You bet I won't! This will be the greatest achievement-"

"This was the worst achievement..!" A few hours later you groaned while lying in bed with a blanket over your shaking figure.

After that Hippogriff threw you into that lake, you've developed a cold, and in summer!? The worst time to be sick. You feel hot, then cold, and even hotter.

You groaned and grabbed your journal to record your finding when a knock came on your door. "Go away..! {Name}'s not here!" You sarcastically said.

"Crescent. It's me..!" A familiar voice piped.

You threw your blanket over your head. "As I said, she's not here!" You barked.

You felt a hand grab the sheets and pull them off, making you groan.

"You're terrible at hiding stuff, Crescent..." Bill stated as he placed a hand on his hip.

You yanked the sheets out of his hand, which he reluctantly let you do, and you fell into your bed with a huff.

"I have a cold, okay? I can't and won't go outside my room!" You explained, sneezing at the end.

The demon clicked his fingers as you felt yourself sitting up. "What the..?"

He clicked his fingers once more and made [Insert Favourite Soup or Favourite Fruit Platter] appear along with [F/D]. He also made more of your favourite food which was a bit much, but you weren't complaining.

"Say; 'Ahh'~" You pushed his hand away and turned your head from him slightly.

"Bill, I can feed myself, thank you..!" You said, agitated as you took the bowl/platter from him.

You tried to grab the drink, but he used his telekineses to avoid your reach.

"I put your little medicine in here, so if you won't let me feed you, I won't let you get better..!" He cackled.

"That doesn't even-Arghh!" You then pouted and gave the food so he can feed you which you hesitantly obliged.

"{NAME}! I HEARD YOU GOT SICK SO I CAME IN TO CHECK ON YOU!" A loud voice roared. It was Mabel.

You kicked Bill out of reflex until you realised that she can't see the male.

"I brought you medicine, food, and plushies!" Mabel began. "Also, please don't explore when you're sick again, okay?"

「𝐅!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐁𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐂𝐢𝐩𝐡𝐞𝐫」[DISCONTINUED!]Where stories live. Discover now