Chaotic Carnival

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It's been two days and you've fully recovered from the cold. It took some patience, but it was worth it in the end.

That was until Mabel came in to ruin the peace.

"Uh, hey, Fandomz? Why do you always blame things on me?" Mabel turned to me writing the chapter.

Uhh...fine. I'll get Dipper to do this. NOW STOP BREAKING THE FOURTH WALL!

"Okay, okay! Geez!" Mabel sighed.


"{Name}! {Name}!" Dipper yelled, racing through the furniture to get to you.

You accidentally flung your journal and felt like you were given a heart attack. "Dipper, warn me before you barge in like a hooligan!" You rebuked.

"But, {Name}!" Dipper almost whined. "Our favourite band is coming into a carnival!" He completed with excitement in his voice.

You perked up. "Who is it? I have like...over [Insert Number] different rock bands I like..!" You sighed.

"Don't worry! Most of them will be there!" He suddenly looked disappointed. "Mabel will also be there since her favourite bands will be there as well..."

You shivered. "Synthesised songs are demonic..." You mumbled with a repulsed expression.

"It's okay! We'll slip away when she's too busy fangirling!" Dipper suggested.

"Smart idea, Dipstick!" You congratulated.

『⑅ 』

Once you and the twins exited the tour bus, a familiar figure loomed over you, making you look up from the map you had, and turn around.

"Oh? Hello! Can I help you?" You asked the taller man.

"Heya, Toots!"

Oh, it's Bill!... Wait...IT'S BILL!?

Your eyes widened. "Bill!? What are you doing here!?" You whisper-yelled.

"Well, I got bored at home and decided to follow you to this petty human tradition!" He explained with a carefree grin.

You looked around frantically. "Thank goodness no one's here..." You murmured.

You spotted a poster on a tree and inspected it.

Beware Bill Cipher

"Seems like people are worried you're still alive..!" You told him.

"What can I say? I'm famous here..!" Bill said it like it was a reward.

"Infamous..! Grammar, Bill..!" You corrected with a snarky tone.

He pouted like a child who just got his Ipad taken away. "Crescent..! You hit me right where it hurts..!" He spewed dramatically.

You thought for a moment. "At least you look like a human..! No one will suspect a thing..! ...don't do anything weird..!" You warned.

Bill nods sincerely, promising you no more weirdness for a day.

"Okay, good..!" You sighed in relief. "Let's go-"

"{Name}! I thought you were following us and--oohhh~! Who's this!?" Mabel asked in one sentence.

「𝐅!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐁𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐂𝐢𝐩𝐡𝐞𝐫」[DISCONTINUED!]Where stories live. Discover now