A Cold Night

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A/N: ^I thought this song matched {Name}'s mood :)

Another day at work, another day of depression and anxiety.

Should I add that it was snowing too? It's usually a winter wonder for all the kids in town, even if it's still summer! But for you, you had to stay hunched up in the shack, cleaning up behind people.

There was a family in particular that had a little...problem. It's not the Northwest, nor the Gleeful family, even worse. The Reus[Raw-yis]. They were rich, and they bribed people to do things. They live in (what used to be) the Northwest/McGucket Mansion.

Before you moved here, they came to Gravity Falls a few years ago. They have a troublesome reputation: bullying, lying, stealing, tax fraud, and much more. But what if they had to call someone to fix their problem?

"Dad! Skimpy's missing!" Their only daughter, Claudia[I'm so sorry for whoever had the misfortune to be named that], complained. She was like Pacifica, but worse. She never bothered you before, only the other town's people.

She was about 16 years old, had caramel hair, grey eyes and pale skin, and was Latin. About 5'2, she's pretty short in height and wears many pick-me-girl clothes.

"Now, now, sweetie. You don't have to worry..! We'll find him..!" Her dad, Devland, assured.

He was Latin as well, 5'8 and 43 years old. [Also, where Claudia got her repulsive looks, except for you readers who look like her :)]

"Honey, you realise that cat has been missing for 3 weeks now..?" Her mother, Deidre, reminded her.

Deidre was Irish. Fair-tanned skin, green eyes and ginger hair. She was about 5'3 and 41 years of age.

Claudia groans and walks up to the window, seeing a freakishly tall figure dash across the trees.

She audibly gasps. "There was a mysterious creature in our backyard!" She wailed, pointing outside.

The parents turned around.

"I've been seeing the same thing..." The maid stated as she came downstairs. "A freakishly tall entity, am I correct?"

"Yes! I think it stole Skimpy!" She cried out. "We have to get him back!"

"There's no saving him..." Devland sighed.

"What!? Why not!?" Claudia gushed, throwing her arms around.

"We've never told you about the mysteries of Gravity Falls," He paused. "We knew our fraud and teasing would come to bite us back..." He commented darkly.

"We moved to Gravity Falls. In hopes, we will find a home, which we did, but we didn't realise, that there are dangerous creatures that can end us in any way..!" Devland explained.

"So, what was that creature outside..?" Claudia asked.

"A Wendigo. It consumes the flesh of humans, on rare occasions, animals. They represent greed and weakness. They often take a form of a very tall humanoid wearing a deer skull. You can tell they're not fully human because of their giant, deer-like physic," Deidre explained.

Claude shudders. "So, how can we get rid of it? We already did so many horrible things!" She exclaimed.

"We won't get rid of it, dear..!" Devland commented before pulling out a news report. "But we know who can..!"

「𝐅!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐁𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐂𝐢𝐩𝐡𝐞𝐫」[DISCONTINUED!]Where stories live. Discover now