Dusk 'Till D̵̛͚̮̰̘̙̾̎̋̔̕͝ȩ̨̨͍̲̀̏̈̿͡͞a̷̡̢̡̗̻̬͚̗̥̿͗̿̊̍̀̕ͅţ̸̧̛̟̩̟̭̺̤̅́͐̀͗͒͜͠h̽̍̓̕

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A/N: Based on a cursed, Eastern-Asian game.

"Checkmate..!" You declared, giving a smug look to Dipper.

"Ohhhh!" Mabel yelled.

"What!? But--How?" Dipper grabs a clump of his hair, trying to figure out how you won.

"Haha! I was amazing at chess when I was six..! I was the head of the chess club..!" You explained. "Not to brag..! Chess was what I'd play in my free time..!"

"That makes more sense..!" Dipper thought for a moment. "Wait, you'd play chess in your free time?"

"Yes? That's what I said..!" You replied, tilting your head slightly.

"You don't have a free-brained moment?" Mabel asked.

"Nope, need to use my brain 24/7..!" You gave a closed-eye smile while poking your head before looking at the clock.

"Would you look at that..! My shifts over..!" You got up and took your name tag off. "Bye, twins!"

"Bye Wendy, bye Soos, bye Melody!" You waved before leaving the shack, and they waved back, watching you go.

Dipper and Mabel looked at each other, concerned for you.

You were listening to F/B while reading a book. Finally living a life of an ordinary citizen...Minus the Dream Demon poking your face.

"Bill, can you stop?" You groaned, putting your book down.

"Make me..!" He grinned as he kept on poking you.

"You know what," You stood up. "I'm going on a treasure hunt with the twins..." You completed as you walked off.

You were about to open the door when you found it locked.

"What the..." You were trying to process what happened when Bill spoke up.

"Not so fast, Cresent..!"

When you looked back, you saw his hand glowing light yellow, which means he locked the door.

"What the heck, Cipher?! I just wanted to go on another adventure!" You roared with furrowed brows.

"Every time you do, you come back either heavily injured or traumatised by the experience..." He reasoned, putting his hands on his hips while raising an eyebrow at you.

"Those were only a couple of times..!" You awkwardly laugh.

"And that's why I don't trust you to step foot out that door..!" He walked off into his room.

Your gaze followed him, staying in place until he was entirely out of range.

You bent down and removed the carpet to reveal a trapdoor. "He didn't specify which door..!" You looked back down and opened the door, crawling inside.

You felt your hood get yanked, making you yelp. "Hey!" You get pulled up.

"Don't even think about it..!" Bill growled as he glowered at you, putting you on the ground.

"But I need to go out and solve mysteries!" You whined.

"Ease up a bit, will ya?" He grabs your wrist and takes you to your room.

「𝐅!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐁𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐂𝐢𝐩𝐡𝐞𝐫」[DISCONTINUED!]Where stories live. Discover now