Knock, Knock, Who's There?

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You woke up with a yawn, rubbing your forehead when a gooey substance smeared across your forehead. "What the..?" You rose from your bed to examine your hand.

Hey, thanks for setting me free. It's been so long since then!

Also, look at your other hand!

You've done so and are as shocked as anyone else would be.

'Till then, I'll be watching you!

It also had a moon crescent on the back of your hand.

Well, would you look at that, a moon crescent! :)

'Strange...' You thought as you got up. You were struck with fear as you stared at your desk with wide eyes.

Hey, ya wanna make a deal? I'll take that look on your face as a yes.

Go on, shoot!

It had the same red substance on your hands. "Well, uh...I want you to protect me from strange anomalies that may hurt me!" You declared. "And also, don't touch the Pines family..!"

Some other words below catch your eyes' attention.

Boom! Deal made! I will meet you later on to make my end of the bargain!

'Looks like this being has some sort of prophecy power...' You narrowed your eyes at the writing and sighed heavily. "Guess I have to clean this mess up..."

You looked everywhere for some tissues but stumbled across another message.

Also, I needed to use some tissues for that red substance on my hands, sorry, not sorry >:)


Before you can even walk in, Mabel pops out of nowhere and snaps a picture of you. "AHHH!" You screamed.

"Ehe, scrapbook opportunity..!" She giggled.

"Ayo, dudette, looks like you need some rest there. Do you want a day off? I already have Melody on the register!" Soos suggested.

You yawned. "Sure..." You croaked.

"Hey, what's up? You look grumpier than usual..!" Wendy pointed out.

"Tell me about it..." You grumbled, rolling your eyes.

"Hey, you wanna go to Greasy Diner? I'm sure their food will wake you up!" Mabel dragged you out. "WAH-" You yelped.

"Here we go again..." Dipper grumbled. "I'm gonna follow her before she does something stupid."

"Yeah, you do that." Wendy agreed.

 『⑅ 』

Today was honestly tiring. Mabel gave you mini heart attacks because she wanted to scrapbook about you. Dipper kept wanting to read more of your journal entries, so you just gave your first journal back to him for him to keep until you needed it, and there was a random gnome staring at you on your walk...wait, a random gnome staring at you taking a walk?

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