Love Prophecy

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"Hey, Crescent, why are ya pacin' around?" Bill inquired.

"Mabel invited me to a sleepover! I've never been to one since I've closed myself off from people too much it's become a habit!" You gushed.

"Woah, woah. Calm your tits down..! What's making you become a nervous wreck?" He asked.

"Well, we'll be talking about boys, playing truth or dare, and maybe some karaoke will be involved..!" You shudder. "I hate synthesised music..! But the others are alright..!" (Now you like synthesised music, now you don't.)

"Looks like you and I have some things in common..!" Bill let out a low chuckle, casually floating above your head.

"Absolutely not. If you're wondering why I'm coming, it's because I want to fit in..! Do things a straight girl would do!" You fell to your knees. "Dipper's doing another sleepover downstairs with Soos and said, 'If you change your mind, I'll be waiting.'"

"Well, good luck to you, Crescent!" He clicked his fingers, and a sleeping bag spawned and fell into your arms. "Sleep well!" He clicked once again. And you were at the door of the shack.

The door swung open. "I KNEW YOU WERE HERE!" Mabel barked as she dragged you inside.

"How'd you know I was there?" You inquired.

"I can smell you!" Mabel said proudly.

"What do you mean? You can trace my scent?" You asked, curious.

"Yeah, you smell like [Insert Favourite Scent], old books and dorkyness!" She teased.

"...thanks..." You bluntly said.

 『⑅ 』

"Girls! Meet our new member!" Mabel introduced you.

"Hi..!" You awkwardly waved.

"Oh my goodness..!" A masculine girl commented.

"She seems nice!" A girl with glasses added. "I'm Candy!"

"And I'm Grenda!" She yelled.

"Okay! Let's start girl's night!" Mabel exclaimed.

"Yeah!" They screamed and hugged each other. You were in the middle, regretting all life decisions. "I should've been with Dipper and Soos..!"

"Grenda, is there anyone you like besides Marius?" Mabel asked.

"No! That's just inhumane!" She proudly stated.

"If you say so!" Mabel giggled. "What about you, {Name}?"

You rolled your eyes. "Nope. Definitely not..."

"You look like Dipper when he's in love!" She gasped. "Do you like Dipper?"

"Eww! No! He's like my male clone!" You initially cringed at the thought.

"Well, do you like him?" Candy tilted her head slightly.

"No, and I don't like my roommate..." You huffed and crossed your arms.

"I didn't say who it was..!" Candy laughed as your face turned bright red.

You didn't want to say or admit to Bill being freed or that you had a slight attraction to him. You weren't going to lie, Bill was charismatic at times. Though brushing aside his chaoticness, he was still good-looking.

「𝐅!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐁𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐂𝐢𝐩𝐡𝐞𝐫」[DISCONTINUED!]Where stories live. Discover now