Twins in Black (Srsly, it's shadows)

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Ah, yes, Shadow figures. They're spotted everywhere in haunted, secluded areas. Most are known to be dangerous, but most of them aren't so.

One of the most disturbing abilities they could have is shape-shifting. Able to mimic their victim's shadows, even their deepest fears.

Now that's what you called terrifying.

"Alright, Dipper, are you sure this is a good idea?" You asked the boy, walking down into the haunted basement.

"Positive. I want to show the world that the paranormal is real!" He argued.

"Ughh...I shouldn't have eaten that box of cupcakes..." Mabel groaned.

"This is why you don't eat sweet stuff before we go on missions..!" You scolded.

"I can't help it..! They looked so good!" Mabel barked back.

You gripped your journal and flipped through the pages. "There are different types of Shadow Figures! There's the 'Negative Energy' Shadow Figure, and the normal ghost Shadow Figure..!" You read. "They are weak against Rose Quartz, Opal, and tears of a..." You were cut off.

"La, la, la! Nerd stuff!" Mabel childishly covered her ears while you looked at her with the 'Seriously?' Face.

You felt something was off so you turned around to see that someone had left the lights on upstairs.

"Dipper, didn't you turn the lights off when we headed downstairs?" You shined the flashlight at the door where you came from.

"Yeah, of course..! Why? Is it still left on?" He turned his head in that direction.

"I don't think it's anything to worry about..! That's one of the common things the paranormal do..!" You assured.

"I don't know about this, I got a bad feeling what's going to happen..." Mabel worried.

"Mabel, you're not the only one who has a bad feeling about this..!" You whisper-yelled to her.

You saw someone in the corner of your eye.

"What was that..?" You uttered as you pointed your flashlight towards the figure.

"No offence, {Name}. I think you're going insane.!" Dipper said on edge.

"Who knows, {Name}'s always right when she says something's wrong!" Mabel defended.

"No, no. It was the 'corner of the eye' thing..! Don't worry..!" You assured.

You still looked behind you to make sure everything was okay.

You gave Mabel and Dipper a small, reassuring smile and nodded to assure them that everything was okay...for now.

They nod as you guys continue.

 『⑅ 』

Your sixth sense tells you that you were being followed. Learning from what happened the last time, you slightly peaked, trying not to put the twins on edge.

"This is the place where most seances and rituals were held," You heard Dipper say.

"It's probably where most of the energies came from," You commented.

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