Do You Recognise the Bodies in the Water?

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You were stocking up on materials in your hideout before You heard a knock on the door, making you jump.

"{Name}! Dip and I won a ticket to the beach!" Mabel exclaimed while shaking your shoulders.

"Th-a-t's gr-ea-t!" You commented while Mabel shook you.

She lets go of you as you stumbled onto a nearby couch.

You tried to regain your balance. " did you win this ticket to this beach?" You queried.

"We...kinda borrowed your experiment?" She awkwardly admitted.

"My...what!?" You practically screamed.

"Don't worry, {Name}! It's our curse deflector!" Mabel reassured.

You sighed with your eyes closed, begging that she still had the glasses. "Please tell me you still have it."

She awkwardly chuckled. "Ehe...I uh...Gave up one..?"

Your eyes widened as you turned around. "Mabel!? Are you insane!? Do you know how long it took me to get the correct equations to make those!?" You rebuked.

She whimpered at your personality change, clutching the ticket in her hands.

You groaned. "It's okay...It's okay. I wrote it in my journals..."

Mabel gave you a small smile. "So, do you wanna go on this beach trip with us as an apology?"

"Alright. I'll admit, that sounds nice..." You gave in.

"Yes!" She grinned while pumping up a fist.

"It's out of Gravity Falls, right?" You asked.

"Nope!" She answered with the same grin.

"Oh! Come one!" You whined, grabbing your head.

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You looked at yourself in the mirror while checking yourself out.

"Perfect..!" You muttered, putting your hands on your hips.

You threw a jacket over your body before you felt a pair of hands covering your eyes. "Guess who~?" An all-too-familiar techno voice cooed.

You chuckled a bit. "Cipher, you know your voice is recognisable..!"

He floated in front of your line of view. "Awe~! It's so cute when you..." Bill trailed off when he caught a glimpse of your revealing choice of swimwear.

「𝐅!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐁𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐂𝐢𝐩𝐡𝐞𝐫」[DISCONTINUED!]Where stories live. Discover now