Catastrophic Company

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Laughter and chuckles could be heard from the crowd below as a figure sat casually on the dangerous baluster railing. The people underneath seemed to be having a great time, but {Name}, who was the figure, looked down at the people with a disapproving glare.

As {Name} sat on the balcony railing, she played the guitar/ukulele to the tune of a Hatesad song, another version of 'Lovejoy' in Gravity Falls. Her gaze was fixed upon the forest below as she pondered the meaning of life, lost in her thoughts.

The people below left, chatting away as they continued enjoying their time while ignoring the salty scientist above.

{Name} rolled their eyes before their hand struck the cords. The melody slowly came together as they continued to play. They kept on going before feeling the song play out while tapping their heel against the strong glass of the baluster.

{Name} was enjoying the peace as they started getting into the song, acting like they were in a performance, the guitar/ukelele singing as their hands continued stringing the tune.

"Woah, Crescent, I never knew you were the type to play instruments..!" The annoying voice seemed to come from nowhere, and {Name} couldn't help but feel irritated and startled...Mostly startled.

Out of instinct, {Name} hits the person in the face with the guitar/ukelele, taking the air out of the figure.

Looking down, they saw their acquainted demon roommate, Bill. He was on the floor, rubbing the place she struck while cackling. {Name} could see tears pricking out of his visible eye.

"That was quite a hit..!" Bill stood up and dusted his suit off as he fixed the scratches on the guitar/ukelele {Name} had years ago with a simple wave of his hand.

She looked down at the repaired instrument before glaring at him. "Thanks..." They said with gritted teeth as they held the guitar/ukelele's neck tighter.

"Awe~ Why the sour face?" He cooed, caressing her face with a gloved hand, "Is it that time of the month again?~" Bill teased, narrowing his eyes at the female while sticking his tongue out.

"Say that again, and I smack you across the face again..." {Name} threatened as they glared at the demon, raising the instrument again.

He rolled his eye, placing his hands on his hips. "...Is that a yes?"

The female groaned, rubbing her temples. "I don't like it when you are right..." She grumbled before getting off the railing, the object in hand, as she left.

Bill watched them leave, blowing a raspberry and crossing his arms as they went their way.

『⑅ 』

{Name} was enjoying the peace when a phone rang across the house, breaking the silence and frightening the poor eighteen-year-old.

Out of nowhere, the nuisance of a demon appeared from a yellow light as he picked up the phone for her.

"Yellow?" Oh, curse Bill and his puns.

"YOU FOOL-" {Name} was about to insult him when he clicked his fingers, and a zipper appeared on {Name}'s mouth to shut her up.

"Oh, hey, dude! Are you {Name}'s roommate?" That sounded like...Soos! Since when did he start calling this early in the afternoon?

Bill chuckled. "Who else would I be? Your worst nightmare?" The demon joked...or was it?

Soos laughed over the call. "That was a good one..! Also, your voice sounds familiar..!" He pondered for a moment.

「𝐅!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐁𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐂𝐢𝐩𝐡𝐞𝐫」[DISCONTINUED!]Where stories live. Discover now