Chapter 1: A Missing Child

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Here is Chapter 1. I'm not used to making actual stories. So, hope you like this.

Also, contains mentions of blood and guns.

???: Lego!

Lego: Yeah?

???: Well, there is a missing child and since the other officers are busy. We need you to help Kreek search for this kid.

???: His name is Paxton Patterson and he was last seen at Lunella Street, house number 1.

Lego: Alright then.

???: Kreek is waiting for you in the police car.

Lego: Thanks, Officer Piper.

Officer Piper: No problem.

Lego walks to the police car and gets in.

At the missing child's house

Kreek: Well, here we are. This was where Paxton Patterson was last seen.

Lego hears something behind them.

Lego: Kreek, do you hear that?

Kreek: What? I don't hear anything..

A female pig jumped out behind them but they both ducked. Lego shot his repulsor at the pig and knocked it back. The pig takes a potion and throws it at Lego and Kreek that made them unconscious.

In the House

Lego wakes up and starts looks around.

Lego 💭: Where am i? Is Kreek here?

Lego sees Kreek unconscious on the bed.

Lego: Kreek! Wake up!

Kreek wakes up.

Kreek: Wait.. Where are we?

Lego: I'm not sure, we should go explore.

Lego and Kreek walks around in the house. Kreek got a closer look at the front door.

Kreek: What is this house? A door that's boarded, locked, secured, and needs a code?!

Lego walked closer to Kreek.

Lego: Kreek, Are you doing alright?

When Lego came, Kreek had plan.

Kreek: Hey, Lego! Can you shoot the door with your repulsor?

Lego: I can't right now. It's really dangerous if i use it before it's even ready. I could blow this entire place up!

Kreek: Well, how long will it take for your repulsor to warm up?

Lego: 5 minutes.

Kreek: Alright, when your repulsor is ready we will meet here and get out of here.

Lego: Sounds like a plan.

Lego and Kreek split up to search around the house. When Kreek was about to go upstairs he saw the pig again in the kitchen.

Kreek 💭: The pig is here?

Paige (The Pig): I know someone's here.

Kreek 💭: Shoot!

Kreek quickly walked upstairs to get away from the pig.

5 minutes later

Lego was standing near the door waiting for Kreek to come.

Lego: Kreek should be here soon.

Lego heard Kreek screaming from the backyard and immediately ran there. Lego sees Kreek was about to get hit by the pig. Lego shot it with the repulsor then shot it again but with a gun that was laying on the ground.

Lego: Kreek! Are you okay?

Lego sees that Kreek's leg was blooded.

Kreek: Ow... I think i got caught by a bear trap while it was chasing me.

Lego: Here.

Lego wraps his scarf on Kreek's leg that was blooded. Kreek stands up.

Kreek: Thanks Lego.

Lego: No problem.

Kreek: Also i have a question.

Lego: Alright. What is it?

Kreek: Can you still use your repulsor after you just used it?

Lego: Well. That was just a small size, so yeah i can use it.

Kreek sees the pig wake up and walking towards Lego and shot it with a gun.

Lego: How did it-

Kreek: No time to waste, let's go!

Kreek said while dragging Lego by the arm. When they both reach the living room (where the front door is), Lego shot his repulsor at the door and the door broke.


Lego: That was weird...

Kreek: What?

Lego: How was the pig able to attack us after if already got shot?

Kreek: I don't know. Also, did you bring a phone or anyway to communicate to the station?

Lego: Shoot. I must have forgot it at the station.

Kreek: Then, let's go!

Writer's Note

Hello to the people that bothered to read the wroter's note. Thank you for reading this story. It's my first time. Also, you can ask questions and i will answer them here (only if you want to). And Lego has his swords that work.
With all that said, thanks for reading this long writer's note. And Bye.


Word Count: 707 Words.

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