Chapter 6: Abandoned

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Hello, here is chapter 6. Hope you enjoy this.

Bess's POV

Lego placed Kreek on the hospital bed and Mr Percy went to the helicopter pad on the roof.

Bess: Hey, Devoun and...

Lego: PghLFilms, but you can call me Lego.

Bess: Alright, you two will find some medical supplies and we'll wait for him to wake up.

Devoun: Okay.

Lego and Devoun walked out of the room. After a few minutes, Kreek finally woke up.

Kreek: Where are we?

Beth: We are in the hospital. Since you are awake, we just need to wait for the two to come back-

Beth was cut off by Devoun who looked out of breath.

Bess: What happend?!

Devoun: One of those things are here!

Bess: Can't you just open the door that we came in?

Lego: You don't think we've tried?! The door won't open!

Beth: Looks like we're gonna have to head to the roof.

Everyone ran out and went to the entrance of the roof but saw that a part of the floor was gone and the door was locked.

Devoun: What the- How did this even happen?!

Beth: None of us know. How did Mr Percy even get through?

Lego: We should find something that might help us.

After Lego said that, we all split up.


Lego's POV

When we split up, i went downstairs and saw the thing (infected). I blasted it back with my repulsor and ran to another room.

Lego 💭: Why can't these things just go away?!

While i was catching my breath, a plank appeared in front of me.

Lego: What the...

Then, the lights flickered.

--.- -..- -... .... .- ..--- ..-. --- .. --. - .... -... -..- ..- --. -.-. --. ...- -.-- -.-- ..--- ..-. ..... -.-- ... -... .-- -.-- .-- .-. .... .- ...-- ..- --. -.-. ..--- ...- .-. -.-- -..- .--- .... -... -- -.-. -..-. .. . .--. .--. .- ..--- . --. --.- .-- ..... -.- -.-- ... -... - --.. .-- -..- .... .- ...-- ...- .-. -.-- .-- ..... ..- . .-- . ... .. --. .-.. .-. -.. -..- .-. .--. .. --. .---- .... -.. --. . --. -.. .-- ..... -. -.. ... ....- -...-

I looked around but saw no one. So, i grabbed the plank and went to the rest.


Kreek's POV

Lego places the plank over the pit.

Kreek 💭: How did he even find this? And why would a plank ever be in a hospital?

We all walk over the plank and Lego blasts the door open. When we got on the roof, we didn't see the helicopter.

Devoun: Didn't he say he would be here?

Bess: Yeah. But, he... he left us.

Kreek: We need to confront him!

Bess: He might be at his carnival. We need to get there with the metro near by.

Lego: Alright, we should go there now.

Bess looks at a peice of paper on the ground.

Bess: You all should stay here. Me and Beth will clear the path.

Devoun: Alright, i guess.

Writer's Note
Hello, thanks for reading this chapter. Hope you enjoyed. Anyways, bye.
Word Count: 428 Words.

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