Chapter 12: The Powerplant

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Shoot. I forgot to make this a few days ago. Anyways here you go.

Lego's POV

We followed Mr. Percy deeper into the powerplant. When suddenly, he stopped in his tracks.

Mr. Percy: I wish to be alone, but you memories continue to torment me. You're just as stubborn as i was when i tried to save my wife.

Devoun: What?

Mr. Percy: But this time... i'll stop you, as i should've stopped myself.

He charged up his gun(?) and tried to shoot us. Paxton dragged us to a room and the bullet hit the wall. Kreek and Devoun grabbed the 2 keycard in the room.

Lego: We're spliting up again, right?

Kreek: No need to say that again.

Paxton and Factual went with Kreek and i went with Devoun.


Paxton's POV

Kreek uses the orange keycard and the door opens. We found a boarded door and Kreek used his hammer to get the boards off. Inside the room was a green potion.

Paxton: What is this for?

Factual: I... don't know.

Kreek was just standing, staring at the potion.

Paxton: Kreek?

Factual slaps Kreek.

Kreek: Ow! What on earth?!

Factual: You zoned out, idiot.

Kreek: Oh, sorry. Anyways, i know where to put this.

Paxton: Where?

Kreek: Follow me!

We walked out the room and saw a badger holding a pipe. Kreek took his hammer and knocked the badger out. Kreek placed the potion on a pedestal. Lego and Devoun also ran in and placed a different potion on the pedestal next to it.


Lego's POV

I placed the potion on the pedestal and then, a dynamite appeared. I took it and heard ...voices? They were telling me to place it at the middle. Suddenly, i sort of lost control of my own body. My body set off the dynamite in the middle. My vision turned white. After a bit, everything started fading into view again. The rooms were leading to the forest, the school, the metro, and the carnival. And i could control myself. I saw Paxton holding a white key, running to the school area while Factual, Devoun, and Kreek were distracting the badger and Mr. Percy. I followed Paxton.

Paxton: Lego! Behind you!

I looked behind me to see a black and white version of Daniel? I thought he was still at the forest. Before i tried to dodge his attack, he dissappeared. Paxton unlocked the safe and found a coin. Where would a coin go? And why is there a coin in the first place? I remembered about the vending machine in the metro.

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