Chapter 14: Store

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Hi. Here is chapter 14. (or Book 2, Chapter 2) Enjoy.

Devoun's POV

Mindy: Hey Kreek and Devoun.

Devoun: Yeah?

Mindy: Remember that old radio we found from one of our supply runs?

Kreek: Yeah, i do. What about it? Does it work?

Mindy: Yeah, we just need some batteries for it.

Zara: Parker and i are going to the store to get some. Do you guys want to come?

Kreek: Sure, let's go!

We got in Parker's car and drove to the store.


Still Devoun's POV

We were in the car and Parker was driving it. I saw a sewer lid open, then it was closed again. I wasn't the only one who noticed, though.

Zara: Wait, Parker stop the car! I just saw something!

Parker: Alright then.

Parker stopped and we got out of the car.

Kreek: Why did we stop?

Parker: Zara said she saw something.

Zara: I just saw a figure pop out of the sewer drain. And, i wanted to know if they were a survivor or an infected.

Parker: Well, i suppose we could go check. But, let's be careful 'cause it might be a trap.

Parker pulled out his wooden bat. And Zara pulled out her katanas.

Zara: Alright, let's go check.

We walked to the sewer lid and Kreek slightly opened it.

Kreek: Hello? There's no one-

A figure used a chain to drag Kreek down the sewer drain.

Parker: Kreek!

Zara: You two, we have to save him right now!

Devoun: Then, let's go! No time to waste!

We went down the sewer drain and ended up at the store.

Parker: Wow, that was not planed at all!

Zara: And painful too.

We got up from the ground and saw a mouse and a deer approaching us.

Devoun: Guys, we have some infected incoming.

Danny (this AU's Dessa): Well, well, well, look who we have here.

Kreek: You literally brought us here.

Parker: We're getting abit off-topic here, we just need some batteries. What do you want?

Milly (this AU's Mousy): Oh, you want the batteries? Well, you are going to have to get through us first.

The deer tried to hit us with her baton, but we ran to grab the blue key and unlock the blue lock. Me and Kreek split up to find the batteries. While search, i found a lock picking kit and took it. It might be useful soon.


Kreek's POV

We scavanged for the batteries for a few minutes and we found 1 battery, so far. Devoun shot the mouse that chasing me.

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