Extras: Exchanging Gifts

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Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays. (This might be published early). Enjoy this chapter.

Zara: So, did everyone get their presents for each other?

Kreek: Yup!

Mindy: Alright. Then, we should exchange our gifts!

They exchanged their gifts and they opened their gifts.

Parker: Thanks for the metal bat, Zara!

Zara: No problem, Parker.

Mindy: I absolutely love this book. I will be reading this over and over for a while.

Devoun: I'm glad you liked it!

Zoe jumped on a table with a wakizashi (small sword).

Zoe: Look! Now i can be just like Zara, behold!

Zara: Careful, Zoe! And be sure to share that with Zia until we get another.

Paxton: Thank you so much, Factual. This looks just like the one at home, and it means a lot to me!

Gabriel: Come on, everyone! Let's go play!

Zara slightly chuckled.

Lego: Happy Holidays, everyone!

Writer's Note
Hello there. Hope you enjoyed this. I didn't really want to write them getting chased by Frostpiggy. So, i hope this is fine. Anyways, enjoy the rest of your day or night. Bye!
Word Count: 187 Words.

Short chapter

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