Chapter 11: We Meet Again.

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Lego's POV

We went to the source of the signal and it led us to an outpost.

Parker: This is where the signal ws coming from.

Zara: I guess we're going in, then.

We headed into the outpost.

Parker: Is anyone else getting a bad feeling about this?

Lego: Well, sort of.

I flew around the outpost and found a giant door that was on fire, needed a wrench and a keycard. Kreek used his wrench and Devoun put out the fire. There was another area next to the door that was blocked by a metal fence(?)

I flew over it and saw that the door frame was made from rocks(?) I used my repulsor so i could get in and found the keycard. I flew back to the rest. I used the keycard and the door opened.

Kreek: This is where Mr. Percy is.

Zara: Are we ready to face whatever is in there?

Paxton: Wait!

Paxton caught our attention. Factual was chasing behind him.

Parker: Factual! Aren't you supposed to take care of Paxton?

Factual sighs.

Factual: Well, Paxton convinced the sisters to play a game of hide and seek and followed you guys. I couldn't let him get lost!

Lego: Why did you follow us, Paxton?

Paxton: I want to see the person who hurt my family!

A hoard of infected sordiers were standing behind Paxton.

Parker: Well, you've attracted quite the crowd.

Zara: Lego, Kreek, and Devoun, take Paxton and Factual with you. We'll deal with them.

Kreek: Stay close to us, Pax. We'll keep uou safe.

Parker: Zara, if we don't make it out alive. I want yoy to know that..

Zara: It's okay. I already know, Parker.

We walked into the building. We noticed that it looked like a powerplant. In front of us was him, Mr. Percy. He has robotic implants all over him.

Mr. Percy: I've become a disaster. I tried to make things better, but ended up making them worse.

Devoun: Mr. Percy! We've come to put an end to your evil plans!

Mr. Percy: It.. It can't be.. You two aren't real. Just hallucinations. The people i've let down are here to haunt me.

Paxton: What is he talking about?

Mr. Percy: You two are dead! JUST LEAVE ME BE!

Kreek: We need to follow him to know what on earth  is going on.

We followed Mr. Percy deeper in the powerplant.

Writer's Note
Hey readers. Hope you enjoyed reading this chapter. We only have Distorted Memory and Plant left for Book 1! Anyways, enjoy the rest of your day or night. Bye.
Word Count: 437 Words.

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