Extras: Distorted Memory

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Hello there. Here is distorted memory. Hope you enjoy!

Paxton's POV

It has been a few weeks since we stayed in the mall. One night, i fell asleep and Officer Dev couldn't sleep. After a few hours, i woke up in my room, in my house.

Paxton: How did i get here? Was it just a nightmare?

I got up to find Paige. (This AU's version of Penny) When i opened the door, i saw a giant hole in the wall. It wasn't there before. Next to the hole, i saw a weird glowing purple  circle next to a snaller hole in the wall.

Paxton: What is this?

I picked it up and brought it with me.

Paxton: I wonder what this does.

I walked into the living room and saw someone or thing that looked like my sister but it was black and grey. The walls and floors was distorted. It chased me around the house.

After a few minutes
(Why? Cause i don't want to write the whole chapter)

I found some key and unlocked well, locks. I found my old dinosaur toy behind a lazer guarded door. I went to place it on the possibly a toy altar. I heard footsteps somewhere behind me and it was a red alien with pig ears. I ran away from the alien and the other figure. I also found my robot toy behind a boarded door. I placed it on the altar and a white key appeared. I used it to unlock the front door and found a yellow key. I unlocked the safe and used the code inside. I walked outside and saw Paige facing away from me.

Paxton: Paige! I have been looking everywhere for you!

She didn't answer me. I began to worry a bit because she only ignores me when she's mad.

Paxton: Sis? Are you okay?

Again. She didn't answer and walked away. I followed her to know what was wrong with her. When suddenly, i felt a sharp pain in my eye. I fell to one knee and my flashed. It wasn't a nightmare, and i was about to turn into one of those mindless zombies.

Paxton: N- No... not now..!

I closed my eyes and woke up in the mall in a cold sweat. Officer Dev looked worried.

Factual: Are you okay, Paxton?

I nodded.

Paxton: Y- Yeah... Just a nightmare.

I went back to sleep since it was still dark outside. Officer Dev probably knew i was acting weird. He started to talk to seemingly no one. I woke up again because i couldn't sleep anymore.

Paxton: Officer, what time is it?

He looked on his phone to check the time.

Factual: It's 5 in the morning. Why?

Paxton: Nothing. I just wanted to know.

Factual: Alright.


A few weeks after we were found by Lego and the rest, they went to search for the person who started this infection. I wanted to see the person. So, i took out the thing i got from my nightmare and Officer Dev noticed me.

Factual: Paxton, what is that?

Paxton: I don't know... I found it in my nightmare.

It suddenly teleported us to the outpost, where Lego, Kreek, Devoun, Zara, and Parker were.

Factual: What was that?

Paxton: Like i said, i don't know. I guess we should meet up with them.

Factual: Alright.

Writer's Note
Hello. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Also, this chapter was deleted earlier and i had to rewrite the whole thing. Atleast i finally finished this. Anyways, enjoy the rest of your day or night. Bye.
Word Count: 602 Words.

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