Chapter 8: More Survivors?

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Hello. Here's chapter 8. This chapter has small mentions of blood. Hope you enjoy!

Devoun's POV

We were in front of the carnival and Beth was nowhere to be seen. Weird. We walked in and explored it for a bit. Suddenly, a pink and black clown came up behind me and tried to hit me in the head. Luckily, i dodged it and ran out of the tent. After getting away, i heard a door break. I look over to see a fox wearing grey and silver clothes. The fox ran towards me, so i ran. Lego noticed and blasted the fox.

Devoun: Thanks Lego.

Lego: No problem. Also, where is Kreek?

Kreek: AAAAA-

Me and Lego look at Kreek and he blasted the clown behind Kreek.

Kreek: Why are there so many of them?!

Devoun: Maybe something to do with what Mr. Percy has been doing.

Lego: Could be. But, we need get to the reception room. He could be in there.

Kreek: Alright. I already used the hammer and the wrench.

Devoun: I'm pretty sure i saw the white key in a cage.

Lego: We should spilt up to find the code and key.

We all split up. I went to the cage and took the key. The fox was outside. I kicked its legs and ran to unlock the door. After i did, the fox was already getting closer. But, a gun appeared in front of me.

Devoun: What the...

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I heard soneone saying something that i don't quite understand. I looked behind me, but saw no one. So, i picked up the gun and shot it in the eye. I turned around to see Kreek and Lego with the code.

Lego: Alright, let's confront him.

After Kreek inserted the code in, we saw a zebra and and a pony in the room.

Kreek: Wait, who are you?

????: Are they infected?

???: Doesn't seem like it. I mean, they aren't hostile. Anyways, my name's Zara. (This AU's Zizzy) This pony's name is Parker. (This AU's Pony). You guys?

Devoun: Well, i'm Devoun.

Kreek: My name's Kreek and the dude with the iron suit is Lego.

Zara: Since you are still alive from this infection, would you like to come with us to the safe place?

Before any of us could answer, the fox from earlier came up behind Lego.


We all ducked and she threw her katana at the fox's chest. There was alot of blood. From its eye and now its chest. She walked up to it and took her katana back.

Zara: Don't worry, they won't die.

She just looked at us.

Zara: What's your answer? Do you want to come with us to the safe place?

Lego: Sure, we don't really have anywhere to go from here.

Parker: Alright. Follow us, we'll need to get through Skyria City to get there.

Kreek: Okay.

We followed them to Skyria City.

Writer's Note
Hello, hope you liked this. I didn't have many ideas going through my mind for this. Anyways, enjoy the rest of you're day or night. Bye.
Word Count: 520 Words.

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