Chapter 17: Let's Dance, Darling

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Hello. Here is (Book 2) chapter 5. I'm going to have to write a fight later soon- Anyways, enjoy.

3rd Person

Everyone glared at either Paxton laying on the bed, or Lego, who literally knocked him out.

Mindy: Why is he knocked out again?

Lego: So, he can recollect his Teleporter Trap in his nightmare.

There were a few moments of silence.

Kreek: Bro, i'm so confused.

Factual: Same here.

Someone kicked open a sewer lid in the cell. It was Zoe.

Zoe: Heyo! We need someone to help get the cell door open!

Lego sighed.

Lego: I'd help, but Winona took my suit!

Lego points at his suit that's outside of the cell.

Kreek: I'll go.

Zoe: Okay!

Devoun: We should stay here in case a guard comes by.

Kreek: Alright.

Kreek climbed down the ladder as the group shuts sewer.

Parker: Let's hope they can make it out alive.

Gabriel: I'm sure they will.

Kreek's POV

Zoe: We need to go, they'll realise you're gone if we take too long.

Kreek: Alright, alright.

I was stopped by an infected aligator. I kicked him and checked my pockets. Turns out, she forgot about my wrench, hammer, and lockpock. Idiot.

I ran to the other rooms, hoping to find the exit. But, the aligator caught up to me and held me by the collar of my shirt, it tried to eat me. Zia knocked it out with a rusty pipe.

Paxton's POV

I woke up in my room, again.

Paxton: Here we go again.

I got off my bed and heard footsteps. Those two... things were already here. The alien placed a Teleporter Trap and walked away.

I ran and took the trap.

Paxton: Now, time to get out of here.

After a few minutes of collecting, suddenly, the alien teleported on top of the trap i was holding. I yelled in suprise, before it knocked me out.

Kreek's POV

Kreek: Thanks, Zia.

She simply nodded.

Zoe: Kreek! Over here!

I glanced around and i saw Zoe waving towards me and Zia. Following her, i saw a door with boards on it. I use my hammer to break them down and unlocked the door.

Before i manage to say anything, the aligator came back. I threw my wrench at his head.

Zoe: Help the rest, we'll deal with him!

I climbed up the ladder as i saw Zoe and Zia stabbing the aligator with the pipe.

Paxton's POV

I woke up in a.. cell? I was confused why i was even here.

???: Look who finally woke up.

It was the alien, and it was speaking? I walked up to it.

Paxton: Why am i here? This isn't my bedroom..

???: Look, kid. We've been doing this over and over and over again for an hour staright. So, we decided to put you in this cell. That way, you'll never get out.

Paxton: W- What?!

????: Oh, dear Paxton.. you don't understand, don't you?

The feminine voice giggled. But, i recognize that voice. It was... Paige?!

3rd Person

Kreek ran from the other side of the room and unlocked the cell. Lego put on his suit.

Devoun: What happened down there?!

Kreek: I'll explain later.

Theo was ready to throw his blade, but he stopped.

Theo: I.. can't do it.

Winona walked up behind him.

Winona: Useless Tiger. I guess i'll have to do everything myself.

Winona sighed.

Winona: This one's for you Wilson (This AU's William).

Gabriel heard Winona and pushed Parker out of the way. The rest heard the gunshot.


Gabriel: I.. hope this is enough.. for- you to forgive me...


Tears flowed down their faces.

(Lego's POV)

Lego: Get him out of here, do whatever you can to help him. Factual, you'll stay with Pax.

I turned my attention at the wretched wolf.

Lego: I'm tired of running, Winona. Let's settle this.

I got my repulsors ready.

Winona: With plessure..

She reloaded her gun loud and clear, making sure that i knew she wouldn't hesitate to kill me on the spot.

Winona: Let's dance, darling.

Writer's Note
Hey there! Hope you enjoyed this rushed chapter. Enjoy the rest of your day or night. Bye!
Word Count: 705 Words.

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