Chapter 18: Karma

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This is what you've been waiting for.
I suck at making fight scenes-
Also, this chapter has a few mentions of blood.
Paxton's POV

Paxton: Paige?!

Paige?: You finally found out! And keep in mind, you were never my brother.

The alien laughed.

????: Good luck getting out of here.

The two left me.


They didn't even listen. All i could do was sit on my bed and think of a way out.


Lego's POV

I tried to punch her, but she ducked. She roundhouse kicked me and shot my helmet multiple times. I used my repulsor to knock her across the room.

She threw me at a wall and i blasted her again, knocking her to the other room.

Kreek's POV

I saw Winona getting thrown in the room i was in. I reached to where she was, and i noticed that Theo was also there. She stood up saw the two of us.

We both charged at her. She shoot me in the arm and punched Theo multiple times. I tried to continue fighting, even after she shot me in the arm. Me and Theo teamed up on her. Unfortunately, she kicked me across the room and shot Theo in the leg.

Pgh flew in and and took care of her.

Back to Lego's POV

I hit her, but she stopped herself and stood back up.

Winona: I'm done with playing games.

She reloaded her gun and shot my helmet. Somehow, it broke the glass on my helmet.

Lego: Wh- What?! This never happened before!

Winona: You're too powerful. I finally, after months, made a bullet that can destroy your suit.

She shot me again, this time in the stomach, causing me to go flying.

Paxton's POV

I heard a gun shot, realising that one of my friends was in trouble. Because of that wolf. I got off my bed.

Paxton: No.. No.. No! I heard a gunshot! I NEED to get out of here.

I held on to the bars tightly.

Paxton: Get me out of this cell right NOW!

Somehow, i threw the bars across the room. I looked down at my shaky hands as i felt power pulsing through me. All of a sudden, all that power dissapeared.

Paxton: Huh..

I took the teleporter trap and broke the door.

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