Chapter 10: Factual?

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You read it correctly, Factual is finally going to have an appearance in this book. Enjoy.

Lego's POV

We went through the alleyway next to the gate and reached a mall.

Zara: They ran this way!

Lego: A mall? Why would they hide here?

Zara: Who knows. But, we should find out who they are.

We entered the mall. Zara was standing next to the entrance to protect us from any infected. I walk around the place.

Lego 💭: This place seems familiar. Isn't this the mall Factual was guarding?! I wonder where he is.

I continue to walk around the place and saw a robot that resembled a pig and had a chainsaw as its right hand. (This AU's Robby, also not Kona's assistant)

It started to chase me. I managed to get behind him and stabbed him with my sword and he stopped working.

Lego: Atleast that's sorted, and this is deffinetly the Acetella Mall.

I placed my sword behind my back and went to the boarded and locked door and blasted it with my repulsor.

Factual's POV

Lego: Show yourself, we know you were watching us.

I knew that voice was familiar. It was Lego!

Factual: Wait, Lego?

I stood up behind the desk (?).

Lego: Factual!

I came up to him and hugged him. (This isn't a ship) It's been like a month since we saw eachother!

I heard Paxton (This AU's George/Georgie) behind the desk.

Paxton: Officer, is it safe?

Factual: Yeah, it's my friend, Lego!

Paxton stood up from his hiding spot.

Lego: Paxton? Are you Paxton Patterson?

He looked pretty shocked and scared.

Paxton: H- How do you know my name?!

Factual: You know him?

Lego: Well, sort of. He was the kid i was searching for at Patterson Household.

Lego: Why did you run, Paxton?

Paxton: After my family volunteered to test the cure for Mrs. Percy's sickness, they started acting differently. I came here looking for grandma, but she also looked scary.

Paxton: So, went here to hide. That's how I found Officer Factual here.

Lego: Don't worry, Paxton. You'll be safe with us.

Factual: Us? Who else is here?

Lego: While me, Kreek, and Devoun were looking for Pr. Percy, we found other survivors. The one with me right now is Zara.

Paxton: But, will i see my family again?

Lego: We'll confront Mr. Percy. I promise. Now, we should get out of here.

Factual: Alright.

We walked to the entrance.

Zara: Who are they, Lego?

Lego: This Factual, and the kid is Paxton.

Zara: Let's just get out of here.

Back to Lego's POV

We went inside the safe place. Once we got in, we saw 2 little zebras waiting for us.

Parker: Looks like Zara's back with friends!

???: Sis! You're back!

Zara: Zoe! Zia! This is Lego, Factual, and Paxton.

Zoe: Lego looks cool!

Lego: Thanks.

Zoe: I'm Zoe, and this is my sister Zia! Sadly, she is mute, so she can't talk.

Zia nods.

A female mole and a male giraffe walk in the room.

????: Zara! You found other survivors?

Zara: Right you are, Mindy.(This AU's Mimi)

Mindy: Parker told us that you wanted to find Mr. Percy. You guys should stay here for a bit.

Lego: Sure. Anyways, where is Kreek?

?????: He's in the medbay.

Lego: And where is that?

Zara: I'll just take you there. Thanks for telling us, Gabriel. (This AU's Giraffy)

Gabriel: No problem!

In the Medbay

Lego: Kreek, are you doing okay?

Kreek: Yeah, don't worry about me.

Factual: Can someone explain what happend?!

Devoun: It's a long story...

Lego: I'll explain it all later.

Writer's Note
Hey there! Hope you enjoyed this. I will probably make a chapter explaining what happened with Factual at the mall. I am so close to finishing Book 1. I just need Factual's POV, Chapter 11, Distorted Memory, and lastly Chapter 12. Anyways, I'll see you soon. Bye.
Word Count: 675 Words.

(Screw Revision History, it won't let me publish this sh-)


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