Chapter 21: Old Friend?

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Here is (Book 2) Chapter 9.

3rd Person

The ship had arrived to the docks of Riverport and the group got off the ship.

Pearl: Thanks to you mateys getting the fuel, we managed to dock here. I wish you all luck on your future journeys!

Kreek: Thanks for taking us here, Captain!

Pearl: Well, it was never my intention, but ay! It's always nice to help someone else.

Lego: Yeah, thanks.

Winona looked over to the ship that Theo stole.

Winona: Oh no...

Parker: What?

Winona: Theo's already here.. I don't know what he wants.

Kreek: Let's just stick to what we're doing right now.

Parker: Kreek, Pgh, come with me. We have to go.

Winona: I'll stay here to protect the rest. Stay safe out there, boys.

Kreek: You too, Winona.

Kreek and Lego followed Parker.

Parker: Alright, we should find a way to get to the surface, whatever's up there doesn't sound like fun.

Kreek, Lego, and Parker headed up the stairs and suddenly stopped.

Parker: Why'd you two stop?

Lego: Look.

Lego pointed towards the unlocked safes and doors.

Lego: All the clues have been solved already.

Kreek: I'm guessing it was Theo.

The three noticed an infected moose standing in the distance. There was a neon green aura surrounding it.

After a few seconds of pure silence, he vanished.

They frantically looked around, wondering where the moose went.

The moose appeared beside Kreek.

Parker: Kreek, watch out!

Parker attacked it first. Once Lego used his repulsor on it, it dissapeared again.

Lego: What was-

The next second, the moose had impaled Parker with it's pitchfork.

Kreek: PARKER!

The moose had thrown Parker to the barrels, causing him to land on the hard concrete.

Lego used his repulsor, but Paxton appears and used his power. The moose was sent flying.

Pax: Save your power, i'll take care of him.

Lego: But, i don't want to get you hurt!

Pax: I'll be okay. Now, GO!

Pax teleported away.

Lego helped Kreek bring Parker to the others.

Lego's POV


Kreek: It was an infected..

I remembered that Pax was fighting that infected alone.

Lego: I have to help Paxton.

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