Chapter 16: Trapped

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Paxton's POV

I was eating an apple, until a freaking missle shot directly at me. I blocked it with my teleporter trap, causing it to crack a bit. My head hit the wall behind me. Zoe and Zia walked out of their room and saw my head bleed.


Zoe and Zia helped me get up.

Paxton: This plave isn't safe anymore! Go and tell the rest!

The twins ran the other way and i teleported to Lego's room. Lego was sleeping with his helmet on (Don't ask any questions), but Factual was in his room. He noticed the blood.

Factual: Paxton, what happend?!

Paxton: I- It's nothing..

I threw my teleporter trap at Lego's head and woke him up.

Paxton: Wake up already! We need to get out of here!

Lego: Ow.. my head.. W- What's going on?

Paxton: The Safe Place is getting destroyed! We need to leave!

Lego put on the rest of his suit on.

I went with Factual to try and find Kreek and Devoun.


Lego's POV

I flew to Gabriel's room through a small vent.

Gabriel: Lego! Did you hear that?!

Lego: Yeah, i heard it! I sounded like a rocket missle!

Paxton teleported him out before i even said anything else.

Paxton: Also you'll need this. I'll get the rest.

Lego: Thanks.

Paxton gives me a fire extinguisher before teleporting away.

I walked to Mindy's room and extinguished the fire near her room.

Mindy: Thanks for rescuing me-

Lego: Don't move!

Paxton teleported her downstairs. I walked to Parker's room who was next to Mindy's and kicked to door open.

Parker: Lego! I owe you a cookie sometime.

Lego: Yeah. But, don't move!

Parker: Wha-

Parker also gets teleported downstair.

I flew downstairs with my suit while Kreek broke the door with his hammer. We walked outside and saw The Grey Claws.

Devoun: Oh no..

Winona: Rise and shine! Looks like managed to get you out of bed!

Kreek: Yeah, no crap! You blew up the Safe Place!

Winona: Well, i've been told that some of you caused a stir at one of our outposts.

Parker: How could you even do this?! You're literally destroying the home of many innocent survivors!

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