Chapter 4: A Loss..

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Here is chapter 4. Enjoy!

4 Weeks later.

Kreek's POV

After we escaped the gallery, we decided to stay in the forest for a little while, until we knew what we could do to get rid of these monsters.

Daniel: It's getting late. We should go to sleep.

Daniel looks at Lego.

Lego: Alright... But, someone needs to stay awake to guard the place.

Kreek: I'll do it.

Daniel: Are you sure, Kreek?

Kreek: Yeah, it's fine.

Devoun: Alright. If you're so sure.

Lego: Good night then.

They all fell asleep. I needed to keep the fire alive, so i went to find some wood. Before i went to  find them, i heard some branches snaping. But, i ignored it.

???'s POV

We walked in the forest and saw Daniel.

????: Why are we doing this, Winona (Willow)?

Winona/???: Well, we are here to have some revenge.

????: Revenge on who?

Winona points at Daniel that was sleeping next to the fire.

????: Wait, is that-

Winona: Yes, Officer Daniel. And we are going to use that potion we stole from the hospital.

????: But.. Winona! This potion is unstable and able to turn him into one of those monsters!

Winona pulls a gun from her pocket and points it at ????.

Winona: Did i ever say you had a choice, Parker (Pony)?

Parker/????: Fine..

Parker walks up to Daniel but he wakes up and tries to find Kreek but Winona grabs him and makes him drink the potion.


A few minutes later

Lego's POV

I woke up to see no one keeping guard.

Lego 💭: I knew Kreek wouldn't be able to stay awake.

I stayed awake. Then, i saw a broken glass bottle that looked like it used to have a potion.

Lego 💭: Huh? This was never here before, Or was it? I can't remember. Maybe i should search for Kreek or Daniel.

I stood up and put my helmet back on. Then, went to search the forest. While i was searching i heard something banging on a door in one of the cabins.

Lego: Hello?

Kreek: Lego?!

Lego: Kreek?!

I walked up to the cabin and saw there was a lock.

Lego 💭: I'm not going to try to find a key

Lego: Stand back from the door.

I blast the door to the cabin.

Lego: How did you even get there?!

Kreek: Winona.

Lego: She was here?

Kreek: Yeah. It was like she wanted something..

Lego: Well, then. Where is Daniel?

Kreek looked at me confused.

Kreek: He wasn't with you?

Lego: No?

Kreek: Then, we should find him.

We both went to the camp. When we were on our way, we saw him but he tried to attack us. I ran to Devoun and wakes him up.


Devoun: What?!

Lego: Daniel has became into one of those things!

Devoun: How?!

Lego: I don't know either! We need to get out of here, the forest isn't safe!

Devoun: Alright! Alright!

We both ran to the back of the forest. It had a secured door that had a code, a lock and it was boarded. Kreek walked up to us.

Kreek: Why do all the doors always have a lock, its boarded, and needs a code?!

Lego: Let's just get this over with.

I blast the door open (again).

Devoun: What even happend to Daniel?!

Lego: I don't really know. Earlier, i found a broken glass bottle near the camp.

Kreek: Do you think it had something to do with him turning into them?

I was about to say something but, i was cut off by a radio that randomly turned on.

?????: Hello? Is anyone there?

Devoun picked it up.

Devoun: Yes. We can hear you.

?????: Well, i need help. I need you to save my friend from Sonella High School.

Writer's Note
Hello, thanks for reading. Sorry for not updating in a little while.
Anyways, thanks for reading. Bye!
Word Count: 655 Words.

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